Art: Desperation (Teen Wolf)

Apr 14, 2012 16:49

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Medium used
Notes: Desperation
: noctemus
: Teen Wolf | TV-show
: G
: 1202x1284, 300DPI
: Photoshop 7, Wacom Intous 4.
: Default Brush set - hard round brush.
: Inspired by Desperation by ~CristinaPenescu on deviantART

To see the WiP that I posted earlier
in my journal click on the icon.

The Concept:

The above art portrays one of the main characters of a new show from MTV called Teen Wolf. It's a show I've grown progressively more obsessed with over time.

Derek Hale, which is the fore mentioned main character is the typical 'dark, handsome mysterious guy with a tragic past' type character that seams to excist almost everywhere (no complaints from here).

I wanted to showcase Derek's tragedy (those who have seen the show know what I mean but those who haven't - I won't spoil it for you) and couldn't for the longest time decide how to do it until I saw the drawing that ultimately inspired me to do this.

While I was drawing this I was imagening that this was what he felt when he experienced his tragedy. A combination of gut wrenching grief but also rage, the turmoil making him roar into the night.

In the end, I'm quite happy how things turned out. I do have to give a shout out to my sister that helped me in keeping me inline so as not to veer off to much and keep things realistic.

She's the one that told me when enough was enough :D

The below links hosts the bigger version of the images (DeviantArt).

Full Drawing: here
Side-by-Side: Here
WiP: Here

type: digital art, artist: noctemus, fandom: teen wolf

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