Me and Emily Chapter Six

Apr 24, 2008 13:09

Title: Me and Emily
Author: nomoretearsAS
Rating: K+/PG
Summary:  When House discovers that Chase has a kid, he decides to find out more about both of them.  House/Chase friendship.
Disclaimer:  I don't own House, Chase, or any characters that you recognize.
Chapter: 6/?

Chase and Emily had a relatively uneventful day on Friday. At least until about four o’clock. Emily was throwing a fit because she didn’t want to pick up her toys, when the doorbell rang. Emily ran to the door and Chase tore after her. He got there first and grabbed her wrists firmly. "Emily Elizabeth Chase! How many times have I told you not to open the door? Time out! On the naughty chair for three minutes." He scooped her up, howling, and carried her to the chair.

She screamed but she sat there while Chase went to open the door. He was shocked to see House standing there holding a pizza. "House! What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I brought pizza." he said, stepping in.

"House!" Emily called, jumping up. Chase was on it immediately.

"Emily! You are still in time out. Back on the naughty chair." he told her firmly. She pouted, but sat back down.

House was already in the kitchen. He set the pizza on the counter. Chase followed him and pulled out paper plates. "I got half cheese and half pepperoni and mushroom. Didn’t know what Emily liked, but I figured cheese was a safe bet."

"Cheese is great." He glanced at his watch and have House a one minute signal. Chase walked over to where Emily was still pouting. "I put you in a time out because you went to open the door. Now, tell me you’re sorry and give me a hug."

"Sorry Daddy." she whimpered, throwing her arms around him. He smiled affectionately.

"I love you." he said, giving her a kiss.

"Love you, too." she said.

"Please go wash up. House brought us dinner." she gave a small cheer and went to the bathroom. She hurried back and climbed onto her chair.

"Hi House!" she said.

"Hi Emily. I brought pizza." he said, smiling at the little girl.

"Yay! Pizza! Daddy never lets us have pizza." she said. House looked to Chase, who was cutting up a piece for Emily.

"We have pizza, Em. Just not every day. You should say ‘thank you’ to House." he told her.

"Thank you House." she repeated. They all ate pizza together and Chase watched House interact with his daughter. He honestly wasn’t sure who was more fascinated with whom. Emily seemed to adore the older gruff man who made her giggle behind her daddy’s back. When they finished dinner, Emily looked up at her dad.

"Daddy, can House stay and play for awhile?"

"Well, first you have to ask House-" she cut him off and turned to House.

"Can you stay?" she asked.

"And secondly," Chase interrupted, finishing his sentence. "Your toys are still all over your room. I want them picked up before you do anything else." She glared at him. "You start that, Emily, and House won’t be staying at all." she huffed and got up. He called after her. "Put them away neatly, I’ll be checking!"

"When you finish cleaning up, you owe me a game of Chutes and Ladders." House said as she left.

"Just so you know, you don’t have to do this." Chase told House as he began to clean up from dinner.

"I know, but if I want more information, I figured bribing you with pizza was a good start." Chase chuckled at that.

"Pizza is always a good bride." Chase agreed. They heard Emily in her room. "Can I get you something to drink?" Chase offered. "I do have a few cans of beer in the fridge."

House raised his eyebrows. "Holding out on me, huh?"

"I just don’t really want Emily knowing I keep any alcohol in the house. I mean, growing up with my mum..." he trailed and House looked at him curiously. "Oh come on," Chase said. "You don’t know about my mum?"

House did, of course, but he wanted to hear it from him. "No." House said.

Chase’s face closed off slightly and he glanced towards Emily’s room. "My mum was an alcoholic. I think I took care of her more than she took care of me." he sighed ever so slightly. "I would never want that for Em. It’s part of that reason I left Lauren."

Just ten Emily came flying out of her room - Chutes and Ladders in hand. "All done Daddy! Can we play now?" she asked.

"Let me check first, but yes. Start setting up. And give Daddy a piece, I want to play, too." he told her. Her face lit up and she pulled out the game.

As chase headed into Emily’s room, he heard her start chattering to House. "Chutes and Ladders is my secondest favorite game. But Daddy isn’t very good. He always loses."

Chase came back and Emily had the game set up. She was bouncing, anxious to get started. He sat down and smiled at her.

"Since House is our guest, why don’t we let him go first?" Chase suggested and Emily agreed readily.

All in all they played three games. Chase lost all three games (Emily was right, Chase was bad), House won once and Emily won twice. House had Emily in hysterical laughter when he won. He was singing, "I won, I won!" and doing a little dance in his seat. Even Chase had to laugh and Emily just giggled like it was the funniest thing she had ever seen.

Chase loved watching his daughter so happy. She was a good kid, sweet, and friendly, but she always seemed a little sad. But these past two days she was laughing and just...happy. He began to re-evaluate his lift. Maybe he didn’t spend enough time with her. Maybe he should cut back on his hours. But then again, he worked for a reason.

As much as Foreman gave him grief about being a spoiled rich boy, he wasn’t. He didn’t have a trust fund, he didn’t have a ton of money socked away. He lived on his salary. And with rent, a full time nanny, medical school bills, and a growing daughter - it took a lot out of him.

Maddie had been an incredible find. He wished he could pay her more, but he couldn’t...and she understood that. She loved Emily as if she were her own. She would take Maddie places and buy her things, and she never asked for extra money for that. Whenever she did that she would say that she wanted to.

Emily had finished cleaning up her game and had put it away. She returned with her favorite book, The Owl and the Pussycat. She climbed up onto the couch next to House and laid her head on his arm. "I’m glad I met you, House." she said and then she yawned.

Cautiously, as if unsure this was okay, he picked up his arm and placed it around her. Immediately, she snuggled into his side. "Will you read to me?"

He picked up the book, and with a quick glance at Chase, he started to read. When he finished, she was mostly asleep and Chase picked up. He cuddled her close for a moment before taking her to bed. He rocked her slowly for a few minutes before putting her down in her bed. Her little eyes opened, saw Chase, and closed again. "Love you, Daddy." she mumbled.

"I love you, too sweetheart. I love you more than anything in the whole world." He leaned down, brushed her blond bangs from her face, and kissed her forehead. He clicked off the light and stared at her for a moment. Then he went back out to House. He had helped himself to a beer and there was an unopened can on the coffee table for him.

"Thanks." he said, opening the beer and taking a sip. "You’re really good with her. Have you got a hidden kid?" House chucked.

"No." He said firmly, looking at Chase. "So, do I get more information tonight?" he asked. Chase figured he owed him that much. Besides, he trusted House not to blab his story all over the hospital. "Lauren was an alcoholic?" he asked, correctly interpreting the look on his face as acceptance. Chase looked up sharply.

"Why would you say that?" he asked. House shrugged.

"Earlier, when you were talking about your mom, you said that it was part of the reason you left Lauren." Chase sighed deeply.

"Yeah, Lauren drank a lot. She was a good person, but..." he trailed. "God, she was so damn irresponsible! Even when she was pregnant with Emily, I had to hide the liquor."

"Why did you guys get pregnant?" House asked.

"I would never tell Emily this, but it was accidental." he let out a harsh laugh. "Lauren did NOT want kids." Chase shook his head. He had never admitted this out loud. "When she was four months pregnant, I came home one day and found her unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. She claimed that she fell, but I know she was trying to terminate." he sighed again. "Even that wasn’t the final straw."

"What was the final straw?" House asked.

"Not tonight." Chase said. House decided to change tactics.

"So, when did you meet Lauren?" Chase did smile, finally.

"I was in seminary school."

"You met a girl while you were in seminary school?" House laughed, interrupting him. "Way to go, Chase."

Chase shot him a look. "Do you want to hear this story or not?" House nodded for him to go on. "I was in a bar, just sitting, and I saw her. I was actually underage, but I asked the waitress if I could buy her a drink. She was...beautiful."

"Why were you in a bar?" he asked. "I mean, you were in seminary school, you were underage, and your mother was an alcoholic." House reasoned.

"Actually, my mother was dead." Chase stated. "I used to go to the bar to be alone with her memory. It seemed fitting." House nodded, understanding. Chase looked up at House. "I really loved her. For all her faults, she was an amazing woman. She convinced me to go to medical school, she believed in me, she loved me. But...she didn’t want Emily. And I could never understand that." he sounded sad.

"Do you regret not keeping Lauren in Emily’s life?" he asked. Chase didn’t even have to think about it.

"No." Chase looked at House. "It’s getting late, you should probably get home."

That was all her was getting today, House knew. Chase walked House out and locked up behind him. He threw out the beer cans and straightened up a little. He found himself in Emily’s doorway, staring at his baby girl. It still baffled him how anyone, much less her mother, could not want her.

He closed his eyes, his mind flashing on the image of Lauren laying at the bottom of the stairs. He feared for the life of his unborn child and the life of his love. Sighing deeply, he stepped away from the door and headed out to the couch. He didn’t really want to go to bed and dream about Lauren. So, he headed to his DVD library and pulled out season one of Dead Like Me, one of his favorite shows. It would take his mind, which was exactly what he wanted.
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