Whoa, my first doll commission . . . for my friend _michael_sama's nekkid Yo. I haven't sent it off to her yet, I hope she likes it ^^; It's fun to make things for other people but it's also scary . . .
Yay I'm really glad you like it ^^ BTW, what kind of critter is this mystery Yo? o.o (What type I mean)
The creepers are Volks - I'm not sure if they still have them in the white, or not. They're great shoes - but be warned that they will not stay tied under any circumstances. :P The laces are microscopic and slippery.
:D He's an Ayumu, kind of seekrit right now, just because there's a bunch of people I haven't figured out how to tell yet (I got him on like, ridiculous whim) - I think his name is Simon, after Simon Tam of Firefly fame, but I haven't quite made up my mind yet. XD It'll be easier once he's got adorable clothes for me to take some shots of him in.
That's so cute! I know so many people who lament the lack of cute, boyish Yo clothes, and even on Yahoo!Japan there's not much selection. (My Rengemaru is, uhh, a bit of a crossdresser so we're ok buying dresses. ^^; )
Yeah, Chance arrived and was pretty adamant that he would NOT be wearing anything girly, or anything much really besides "boy clothes". It's too bad because I love fanciful outfits - but my dolls make me do things that you could wear in the street without getting (many) funny looks! lol.
Comments 8
XDD I'm so out of the loop when it comes to Yos
The creepers are Volks - I'm not sure if they still have them in the white, or not. They're great shoes - but be warned that they will not stay tied under any circumstances. :P The laces are microscopic and slippery.
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