Threadhopping with this character?: [Blank face here.]
Backtagging with this character?: It's cool~
Hugging this character?: Will be met with awkward with a side of sarcasm.
Giving this character a kiss?: Beware.
Something more intimate?: Not interested at the moment. Exception below.
Relationships?: He's currently in one with
brings_to_light ***
Punching this character: Cane to the head, no questions asked.
Injury?: Yep.
Death?: This House's canon has very complex relationship with death. He generally will die but he...doesn't like discussing details.
Freeing/Capturing this character: Go ahead, he won't stay there for long.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: He's generally open about stuff.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?: He's a bit off, and demons might be able to sense it.
Anything else, please mention here: