1.Name: Sabrina
2. Age (Must be at least 13,lj rules): 22
3. What are your strongest personality traits? Snarkity, intellectual capacity greater than a beetle, humor (at least I think I'm funny), deadly loyal to friends, will listen...may not like it and will always tell it like it is. I can make my friends laugh. Without that, it’d be a lot of boring conversations going around. And honestly, how often can you talk about the newest fashions before you start to make comments that they resemble things from the 60’s that were cool only to people who knew the TRUE meaning of “Purple Haze”?
4. What are some things you do in your spare time? I make music videos, read, study for all upcoming exams, frequent the comedy clubs/bars, and hang with friends in Hollyweird. And I'm learning how to fence (not with sheet metal and bailing wire, but with swords).
5. What is one thing that you are really passionate about? Honesty. Jesus-Tap Dancing-Christ, be real people, and quit putting up a so-called "Front". If you have to build yourself up then you're automatically even more of a loser than when you first started out.
6. What is one thing you would change about the world? Have people be more tolerant. Not to force them and send them to “Tolerance Camps” ala South Park, but definitely make it so that people, aren’t so quick to say “That’s awful and sinful”. I would rather people keep an open mind about some things.
7. What are a few of your pet peeves? People who don't have their own opinion and just go with the crowd. I don't care if your two cents don't agree with my nickel, at least you have them and by God, stick to them! Also, people who can't let me HAVE my own opinion and proceed to lecture me on how wrong I am, and that I should change my ways immediately or the economy will collapse like a flan in a cupboard. OR those who think I'm really THIS way when I'm truly not.
8. Who do you admire? (Don’t put yourself, be creative) Oskar Schindler. He broke all the rules during a time of real danger, and saved all those people at a great loss to himself and not just financially. He saved thousands and thousands of people and ran a munitions factory that never made a single shell that could be fired successfully. He was the man.
9. If you could meet any person who would it be? Robert "The Kid" Evans. This man, I don't know how he did it, but he managed to become president of Paramount Studios when he was only 24 yo! AND he managed to get out of an FBI murder charge, and he's just...amazing.
10. Give me a quote that fits your personality:
"...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed." (Watership Down)
11. What are your future aspirations? To get all the money in the world, stick it in my ears and go "PBTTH!"
12. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? I'm not sure on this one. On SOME things, I'm totally optimistic, and thinking oh! It'll all work out, I know it will. BUT there are times when I'm just like "Oh God! It's all going to end badly" so I'm gonna say I'm middle of the road on this one.
13. What’s more important to you-friends or family? I've had issues with both sides. Friends who are crap and need to be culled from the herd and family members who take advantage of you and never call. However, if I had to choose,
14.If you were a body part which would you be and why? Hip bone. Ok ladies, you know how you see a guy who's shirtless and he's got low riding pants and he's got that hip bone that just slants inward and makes that delicious line? OH YEAH! I would be that on Jesse Spencer, Hugh Laurie and Omar Epps yo.
15.What is your fondest memory? Every year, I make a new one, and it's the time I get off of the plane on the East Coast and there's my mom waiting for me at the baggage claim and just gives me the biggest hug in the world, I smell her perfume, and I realize that I'm home again...safe and sound.
16.What are a few of your fears? To look back at my life and regret. It's not to be alone, and it's not to be unloved, it's only to regret. To look back and think, My God! Why didn't I do that before? Why didn't I just change that one thing? Why didn't I go when I was supposed to? You know what I mean?
17.What song/movie/book/fictional character are you most like? Ooh! Crowley in "Good Omens". He doesn't focus on being all evil and demon-y, but he just wants to wear his cool shades, drive his awesome car, and have a drink with his best friend every once in awhile and not have to worry about Armaggedon. Plus, he has a James Bond bullet hole sticker, which is just awesome.
18.Who is your least favorite House character? Vogler, but only because he kept putting his big ol' face where it didn't belong. Honestly man, you're NOT a doctor, you have NO medical expertise OR experience, and you just GO into a hospital and start acting like you know what you're doing? Also Cameron...she's so sweet and fluffy, and Awww, that she makes my teeth HURT.
19.Does it matter if you are stamped as a character of the opposite gender? Considering that the majority of characters on this show are male, I don't think it'll be a problem if I'm selected as someone from the opposite gender.
20.Will you promote the community? Yeah, with a picture on my info and everything
Please post at least one clear picture of yourself.