The Examination: Shutterbug_12

Jun 27, 2008 14:21

Some fic writers enter the fandom arena slowly, slinking around the edges with a few ficlets, maybe a one-shot character study. shutterbug_12 entered with A Certain Dawn, a 23,000-word, House/Wilson take on the Ketamine failure that took us further than canon.

“You couldn’t fail.” Wilson finished House’s sentence quietly. Despite himself, Wilson raised his hand to brush the base of House’s head, his fingers slipping beneath short strands of hair. He traced the jagged scab there, remembering the blood in the shower. Wilson exhaled a broken breath. “You couldn’t take the pills, the morphine, and you haven’t started using your cane again because you couldn’t lose-”

“Don’t.” House flinched and reared back, shoving Wilson away with both hands and nearly sending himself back into his chair.

"Look!” Wilson gestured wildly. “You can hardly keep your balance! But if you took back the cane and the pills, it would mean that you’d lose your control, your newfound independence. And you’d rather fight your way through bruises and cuts and gashes than lose your control. You couldn’t let yourself go back to being -”

“Stop trying to figure me out. I'm not a goddamn patient, so-”

Shutterbug's work covers more than just one pairing and more than just one style. There are short fics and epic fics, role playing, tales from the days House was with Stacy, gen and House/Cuddy fics.

You can find all of shutterbug_12's fics archived here.

Let's begin by using your "1825 Days" role playing fic as a entree to a couple of areas. First off, how does the RPG work for you? Do you approach it differently than a traditional fic?

First, allow me to share some basic information about 1825_days, especially for the benefit of those people who are not aware of it (there are many, I'm sure). It is a pre-infarction, House/Stacy RPG and is organized by day, beginning with Day 1, the day House and Stacy first meet. Each day of the 1,825 won't be covered, but it will, at some point, hopefully reach the last day of their relationship. In the RPG, I write House and my wonderful RPG partner-in-crime, _vicodin, writes Stacy. I really enjoy interacting with her version of Stacy. We also have very similar ideas about both of the characters, which help the entire RPG run smoothly and let us enjoy ourselves.

That said, the RPG works like this: _vicodin and I will discuss possibilities for threads, just a situation or event, nothing extremely detailed. Once that's decided upon, one of us will begin the thread, and it snowballs from there, really. We rarely reveal what our characters will do or say in individual replies, since that is part of the fun of this format. We have decided on several major plots that will occur throughout the RPG--for instance, we mapped out situations like "House and Stacy meet at a hospital-sponsored paintball tournament", "Stacy moves in with House on Day 8", etc.--but the details of those plots and most of the gaps between the larger "arcs" are written with much less planning, if any at all.

I approach the RPG, then, very differently than I approach a "traditional" fic. When it comes to writing, I am a planner. I meticulously construct detailed outlines before I ever set fingers to keyboard, but I allow myself a freedom in the RPG that I don't allow in my "regular" writing. The RPG is written off-the-cuff, and my replies are immediate reactions to "Stacy's" previous comment. Also, writing the RPG differs from regular writing in the sense that I only need to concern myself with one character. I only need to worry about what House would think, say, do; I only live inside his head, and it's wonderful to pay such close attention to him. I feel like, in a weird way, that I've gotten to know him in the context of this world, and I really enjoy slipping inside his head. I also love the immediacy that comes with the RPG, and opportunity to write with someone else, collaborate in that sense.

I look forward to the RPG every day, and it is probably the most enjoyable project of which I've ever been a part. It thrills me that there are people that enjoy watching it, but I'm sure I would still enjoy it as much as I do if nobody but me and _vicodin knew it existed. We began the RPG for ourselves, really, and it's a delightful bonus that others enjoy it, too. It's very exciting to write with someone who is not only a skillful writer, but also someone who shares my enthusiasm for this particular pairing and the RPG in general.

Between 1825 Days and "Eden Sank to Grief," you're covering a lot of territory for House and Stacy. Despite the fact that House and Stacy are one of just a few canon relationships on the show, they don't get a lot of attention from fic writers. Why do you think that is? What do you think fic writers get wrong -- or right -- about Stacy?

Well, I am in no way the "ultimate authority" on House and Stacy, or Stacy's character, etc., and I cannot possibly speak for anyone but myself, but I feel that there are several reasons that this pairing is so rarely written. Generally, Stacy wasn't -- still isn't -- a well-liked character who does not, for some bizarre reason, get much sympathy from readers, writers, viewers, etc. I think writers are more inclined to write about characters they like, first and foremost, and, if many writers don't like Stacy as a character, I'd imagine they wouldn't write about her, or the House/Stacy pairing. Fair enough. Seems like the simplest explanation.

Because there are so few House/Stacy stories out there, it's difficult to say with much certainty what is done well or not-so-well. With this pairing, it's almost a matter of "done at all." However, there are a number of things that have me scrambling for the 'back' button, even if the story isn't focused on House and Stacy. Actually, now that I think about it, especially if the story isn't focused on House and Stacy, because it seems that most of these occurrences are found in stories involving another pairing. I stop reading stories (not to mention get very sad) when I encounter what I feel to be a dishonest or inaccurate portrayal of House and Stacy's relationship, or, even more often, Stacy's character specifically.

Stacy's character, it seems, often falls victim to "demonization" and is often dismissed as not having much importance. I feel that it's unjustified, and it appears that this happens to her character so frequently for the sake of cheapening House and Stacy's relationship and boosting the validity of another 'ship', which is unfortunate. ('Shipping wars, I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.) Consequently, her character is often portrayed 'out-of-character,' in a dishonest way. That, to me, is the bigger problem and, as I already said, something that will force me to seek out the 'back' button with lightning speed. I uphold the same standard -- portraying characters in an honest way, in-character -- for every character, not just Stacy, but it seems like she's demonized so frequently that it bothers me a bit. Demonizing characters for the sake of validating another 'ship' is not creative, and is a cheap tactic to employ in fic-writing. My strong feelings, let me show you them. I feel that it is one of the most "wrong" things I've seen in regards to Stacy's character in fics.

I respect authors who understand that Stacy was:

* Not a cold-hearted person.
* In love with House, and chose to exercise her right as House's proxy, make the decision she did, because, like most people, she did not want to lose the person she loved.
* One of the most important people in House's life, and knew him in ways that no other character has or does.

Some authors get all those right, I think. They are also the authors that understand the importance of House and Stacy's relationship and the complexities of it. Unfortunately, it seems that these authors are few, but I'm glad that they're still out there.

Of course you write in other ships too -- including House/Wilson especially and also House/Cuddy. What draws you to each of the different ships you've written in?

If I find the relationship (or a potential relationship) -- platonic or romantic -- between two characters interesting and compelling, I'll write about it. I find the dynamic between House and Wilson very interesting; I enjoy exploring them as they appear in canon, as well as exploring their relationship in a romantic context. They are so dependent on each other, and understand each other in many ways, and I like exploring that. I also love the relationship between House and Cuddy as well; there's a lot to work with there; it's clear that they genuinely care for one another, and respect each other, but there seems to be a lot left unspoken between them, and I find them fascinating. Like House and Wilson, I like exploring them in friendship and romantic contexts.

I should also mention, though, that the pairings I write (in a romantic context), House and Stacy aside, are not ones I am interested in seeing come to fruition in canon. I restrict them entirely to "fanon." (In canon, for the record, I don’t 'ship' anyone, except perhaps House/Vicodin, or House/His Lonely, Sad Existence when it comes to the long-term in the series.) In "fanon," though, I let myself to wild and enjoy pairing House with, these days, just about everyone in order to explore characters in ways that interest me. Really, I guess, it's more about the characters themselves, rather than the pairings.

Do the prompts from communities like Get_House_Laid help to generate fic ideas for you? And how do you choose which prompt to take?

Oh, yes, they certainly help inspire ideas! I very much enjoy participating in challenges and 'fests'. It's true that they definitely help generate ideas, but they also help motivated me. I work well when I see a deadline looming in the future, and it helps me focus. I recently wrote for the hmd_rareathon and grabbed a few prompts at cuddy_fest in order to jump-start myself, since my work schedule and the hectic nature of my life in general recently has forced me to set my normal writing routine aside. My most recent job (I'm a freelance theatre technician) ended a couple days ago, so I'm excited about getting back into my routine and am looking ahead to these new deadlines, creating ones for myself as well in an attempt to produce more regular installments of "Eden Sank to Grief", which is currently my main priority.

As for prompts, I chose the ones that interest me as well as ones that I think will provide some sort of challenge. For the hmd_rareathon, I wrote House/Foreman, a pairing that I had never written before, but ended up enjoying.

What was your first exposure to fanfic? When did you first start writing?

My first real exposure to fanfiction was through my sister, who writes in the "Lord of the Rings" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" fandoms, I think. She's never allowed me to read anything she's written, but we've discussed writing and fanfiction in general. I took an interest and applied it to "House", which is, really, the only television show I watch regularly. I browsed LJ, where I was already a member, to see what I could find and, needless to say, happened upon a goldmine, an enormous amount. I ate it up, all that I could find, in the span of about a month. Within a month and a few days, I began writing my first fic, A Certain Dawn (House/Wilson), back in July of last year. (Fun fact: That story was written almost entirely during my work days, running the light board for a production of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead." The title comes from a line from that play.)

What drew you to writing House fanfiction?

Well, I've always used writing as a means to explore and develop ideas. I was an English major, trained to do use writing that way, and it was a small leap from academic writing to creative writing for me, as far as my purpose was concerned. It was an easy and comfortable transition. As I said earlier, "House" is the only TV show I watch regularly and has been one of the only ones that I find so compelling. I can't get enough of these characters, and fanfiction is a way for me to spend more time with them.

Also, there was a moment when I was first reading House fanfiction when I sat back and thought, "Huh, I could do this. Looks like fun. I think I'll give it a go."

Was there any specific encouragement or notes that you received early on that helped you keep going with your writing? Any tips you'd pass on to other writers?

Yes, definitely! My first beta-reader, starlingthefool, was a huge, huge help to me when I first leaped into the House fandom. Besides being a wonderful beta, she encouraged me so much and helped me learn the fandom ropes in general. I'm very grateful to her, especially, for that.

Tips for other writers? Well, my advice certainly isn't unique, but I would advise any writer to use a beta-reader. Even the best writers could use an extra pair of eyes. Sometimes writers get so close to their work that it's difficult to look at their objectively; beta-readers definitely help with that, as well as providing support and encouragement, and a listening ear if you need to talk through problem areas.

Also, I'll specifically address WIP authors who post-as-they-go: Planning is good. Continuing stories without an end in sight is not. Planning helps retain the story's focus. It also helps guarantee that you won't be tempted to abandon your story because you may come across a road block in the forty-third chapter. (This is more of a pet-peeve of mine. The Big Bang story aside, I have posted my longer works in the WIP format. It's frustrating that authors who fail to plan their WIPs or keep them focused have made readers swear off WIPs altogether.)

I'd also encourage writers to write what they enjoy, no matter how small the 'ship' following.

How does a story start for you? A specific scene? A plot? A snatch of conversation?

Most of my stories begin with a basic plot or a general concept, perhaps some aspect of a character I'd like to explore. When it comes down to it, most of my stories start with something I'd like to read myself. Not a very exciting answer, but I have no "eureka!" moments I can share, sadly.

Have you ever have a fic surprise you during writing? Did the plot take a turn you didn't expect? Or do the plots and characters usually behave for you?

Actually, I plan out my stories in such detail before I even begin writing that I never encounter surprises. I have a standard "process" that always works well for me. I begin with a general idea, usually the central one, and write notes to gather my thoughts. My research stage, if I need one, occurs around this point. Then, I'll create an outline for the story, especially if it's a longer one. (Sometimes for one-shots, I write from my notes, rather than an outline.) In the outline, I plan the plot in detail, make sure it's unified and focused. I go through recurring symbols, motifs, etc. It helps me focus, especially when I write longer works. I can't write without a plan.

How did you approach writing My Brother's Keeper for HouseBigBang? Was it different for you than some of your other long, multi-part fics? What was the most difficult part of writing it for you?

My method was basically the same, but the research involved more hands-on research. I'm not blind, and I needed to understand the experience of going from someone with good vision to someone suddenly blinded. So I spent several days blindfolding myself (a couple hours at a time), trying to carry out everyday tasks, and taking notes on those experiences. Besides the differences in my research methods, which are usually pretty conventional, the process was more or less the same. It was a wonderful experience, by the way, being a part of the Big Bang. I'd encourage anyone to give it a shot. I hear there will be a second challenge this year.

Do you have any fics that you'd like to go back and rewrite?

I don't think so. Even the ones I’m not particularly fond of I'd keep as they are, because it's nice to see how I've grown or changed.

What skills would you steal from other fanfic writers if you had the chance. (OK, maybe not steal, how about borrow?)

Without shame, I would steal all of pwcorgigirl's writing and story-crafting skills. I admire her writing more than anyone's. I wish my work could be half as beautiful as hers. She has the ability to take the tiniest thing and create something incredibly wonderful. But also, I'd steal deelaundry's ability to write very awesome dialogue. I'd swipe queenzulu's and recrudescence's abilities to write sex. I would write descriptions of the visual world like euclase. And, finally, I would write snappy first lines like phinnia.

Any cliches or other fic issues that drive you crazy?

Mostly, just the standard clichés. It annoys me, greatly, I must say, when authors refuse to continue a story if they don't meet some kind of "comment quota". That's just silly.

What kind of stories would you like to see out there in fandom that you think there aren't enough of now?

I would love to read a story about Cuddy going through a realistic pregnancy and facing real challenges of raising a baby, with nothing idealized. I'd also love to see a story about Stacy's life with Mark post-Need to Know, how it has changed and how it hasn't.

Any other challenges you've set for yourself coming up?

My priority after "Eden Sank to Grief" is finished is a very long House/Stacy post-Need to Know AU. I've begun the outlining process and am very excited about it. It will be incredibly fun, but challenging, as it will probably be the longest work I've ever done. I'm absolutely giddy about this.

I also plan to branch out to write another pairing I've never written: House/Cate. This was originally going to be my submission for hmd_rareathon, but it exploded into something too large for me to write in a couple days.

I've had a medically heavy House/Wilson story in the planning stages for seven or eight months. I have a lot of research to do, but it's one I want to write eventually. It's already been a challenge and I haven't even begun writing it yet.

Finally, I have an upcoming story that is focused on Stacy's friendship with Wilson. I'm excited about this one as well, but it's a challenge because we've seen the two of them interact so little, but both Wilson and House have mentioned that the two of them are "friends". I'd love to explore that. Actually, I'm really looking forward to writing all of these.

Thanks, shutterbug_12! And the floor is now open for questions or comments.

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