Title: No Perfect Moments (3/4) : Sugar-Free
Characters/Pairing: House/Cameron
hc_challenge: Prompt # 8,
housefic50: 034. Not Enough
Word Count: 485
Rating: PG
Author's Note: This follows '
After All...', so it is probably best if you read that first. :-) Beta by
drwilltx Prompt # 8: "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams
No Perfect Moments
Chapter 3 : Sugar-Free
A coffee cup appears in front of your face, and you can smell the hazelnut syrup. You sigh and take off your glasses, placing them down on the table.
"Thank you." Your voice is quiet and your demeanor is subdued.
After leaving his place last night, you went straight home and curled up in bed. You didn't get much sleep, though. Your mind was too busy.
He pulls out the chair next to you and sits down, hanging his cane from the tabletop. His hand reaches out to touch your hair, but at the last second he changes his mind and places it on the glass table.
He looks down and his fingers tap the table rhythmically.
"It's your favorite."
You sniff the latte and take a cautious sip, savoring the bitter espresso flavor along with the sweetness from the milk and hazelnut syrup. "Sugar-free?" You ask hopefully.
"Relax, I know better than to tamper with a woman's caffeine."
You're grateful, but you aren't sure if you can forgive him that easily. The things he said to you last night hurt deeply and you probably need to talk about it. Now isn't the time as you simply don't have the energy. You need a few more hours of sleep, and some food in your stomach before you will be ready to tackle such a conversation.
"Don't think you can buy me coffee as a way of getting out of apologizing." You say in a tired voice.
"Was I trying to?" He asks, looking at your face.
You don't say anything, quirking an eyebrow at him. He's kidding, right?
"Yes." You answer, "And it's a start. But we still need to talk about things, later."
He grimaces, realizing that he isn't going to get off lightly. Now he does reach up and touch your hair, tucking a piece behind your ear.
You know he's trying and that somewhere inside of him lies an apology, but until he says the words an unspoken barrier will remain between you. You sigh, trying to keep control of the sadness and hurt inside. You knew going in that this wasn't going to be easy.
"Tonight. Your place. You can cook me dinner and we can talk." Your voice is firm as you look him in the eye. Twin pools of blue gaze back at you and you start to remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. You blink a few times, as if to break the spell, and focus back on your coffee.
He reaches for his cane and slowly stands up from the chair. As he walks to his office, you call out to him.
"Thank you."
You wonder if he picks up on the true meaning of your words, and when he stops in his tracks, you have your answer. You smile slightly and take a sip of your latte.
His footsteps resume.