Title: Full Case
Characters/Pairing: House/Cameron
hc_challenge: Prompt # 10,
housefic50: 009. Puzzle
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Beta by
drwilltx Prompt #10:
Full Case
He watched as she spent the better part of the last hour packing clothes, shoes, and cosmetics into a roller suitcase.
He observed her attention to detail as she carefully folded one item after another. She was meticulous and thoughtful, each possession selected for reasons he, as a man, could never comprehend.
He couldn’t help but laugh as she struggled to close the overloaded suitcase. She glanced at him, a frustrated look on her face.
“I am glad you find this so amusing.”
“We’re only going to be gone for three days.” He replied.
“I like keeping my options open.”