As Whitney once said, "Crack is whack." Right? Or is it? In Ireland, crack (or craic) is the best fun, in the best ways. So something out of the ordinary to consider in this week's nomination.
Two more fics will be coming up in this round of nominations. Next week is "Eden Sank To Grief," by
Shutterbug_12 then we wrap up with "In Transit" by
Teddy House (Link is to first chapter, other links from there.)
alex51324 Summary: Let's just say ... "crack." See inside for more details.
Nominated by:
la_localfreak Why does this fic belong in the Housefic Meta Library? (And excerpt.)
Cracky (or should that be craic-y) fic is as integral part of the fabric of fandom as other genres, but it is also one that is often overlooked. In this story, House is turned into a teddy bear and it’s up to him and Wilson to find out how to fix it, as well as exploring various trials, tribulations and obstacles along the way. To me, Teddy House embodies the best of its genre. It is detailed, humorous and well-plotted; it’s representation of the dependable, solid friendship between House and Wilson. It is silly, but it also sucks you in right at the beginning and holds the reader’s attention, and amusement, until the end.
He was about halfway down the stairs when he noticed a noise coming from the box:
“We’re going down the stairs
To look at my hairs
With a microscope
To find out, I hope--"
“House?” Wilson asked.
The singing stopped, and the lid popped up. “What?”
“Are you singing a little song?”
House’s eyes crossed. “No.”
If you aren’t, at the very least, grinning at that point one wonders if you are made of stone.
I love this fic, it is long, plotty, warm and fuzzy- and sometimes that’s just what you need in a good fic. Often I find that other, more serious, genres get their (deserved) accolades more often than crack (or craic)-fic simply because they exude more gravitas. "Teddy House" is a perfect example of the opposite side of the balance- for the days when you really want to read something fun and fluffy and slightly silly. I think it belongs in the Library for all of these reasons -- it is a shining example of the very best of its type, and I hope that others agree too.