A few weeks ago we looked at another mer_duff fic, and a few people bought up some of her other fics. Just so happens, some of them were nominated too. Let's take a look at another one.
Title and Link: Whining and Dining
http://mer-duff.livejournal.com/5299.html#cutid1 Author: mer_duff
Nominated by: Jadesfire2808
Characters: House and Wilson
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Dinner at the Diner, House and Wilson style.
Why should this be in the Housefic Hall of Fame: It's just dinner, but shows so much about the House/Wilson relationship. The dialogue sounds like it comes straight from the TV and they are both completely in character. The dynamic between them, always complicated, is explored without being heavy-handed, and Wilson isn't just the nice guy that he's made into by so many fanfics.
“What if I didn’t want chocolate?” Wilson protests. House notices that he isn’t complaining about the meal choice. “What if I wanted vanilla or strawberry?”
House waits until he takes a sip of coffee. “I’ve seen how you look at Foreman. I know you like the chocolate.”
Wilson splutters and chokes. “That’s just wrong on so many levels,” he says when he can speak and breathe again. But his expression has that unique mix of annoyance and amusement that seems to be his default position with House.
“Hey, don’t let me stand in your way,” House proclaims, wondering how far Wilson can be pushed tonight. “I give you permission to play doctor with any of the children.”
“Mmmm. Neapolitan,” Wilson murmurs and House is so delighted that he actually smiles back at the waitress when she delivers the milkshakes. “Careful,” Wilson warns once she’s out of earshot. “She has a thing for older, unshaven men.”