Title: This Has Got To Stop (Part 2 of 2)
houseketeerPairing: House/Cameron, House/Cuddy, Chase/Cameron
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 1585
Summary: Made just for
hannagreen20. I wouldn't do this for just anyone; I hope you know how much I love you! Happy Birthday!!! Time has passed, and House is in a established relationship with Cuddy. This has got to stop.
It’s two carats, but I bet you knew that too. )
Comments 21
I love the end; the last paragraph is total love. I also love this:
There is a distinct lack of urgency because they have forever; there is no one to rush home to. They can fuck all night.
I love that he left Cuddy before she told him she wanted him too, and I love that Chase looked at craptastic engagement rings first.
I love the whole story, I guess. :)
(there, how bout I post under my own username)
I still can't wrap my head around the Huddy but he left her, so oh well! lol
God I swear I wish I was as good as you *sigh* You are perfection.
LOVED the ending paragraph:
The thought two proposals in one day would be a bit much passes through his mind, and this worries him. When he looks down at her, he is instantly calmed. He won’t ask her tonight; he might never, but the idea of forever with her is not at all alarming. I can do this, he thinks, and falls asleep in her arms.
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