- No larger than 40KB and 100x100 pixels. Smaller is allowed.
- You need to
be signed up in order to participate.
- Don't post icons anywhere until voting is over, all should remain anonymous. Comments are screened.
- Post your entries as a comment to this post only. Please include the URL as well as the image itself.
- One entry per person only.
- You may not use any other pictures than the one provided. Brushes, textures, etc is allowed.
- If you need to skip a challenge, go
here. Everyone is allowed one skip, except for those who've earned more.
- If you don't enter the challenge, you will be disqualified.
- Icons are due Thurs, May 31st, 8:00 at night PST.
This week is something different - a texture challenge. Make an icon using any cap or promotional picture from House, and use one of the textures provided.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/missmorganpryce/stillness_communities/texture_by_colorofclouds.jpgtexture by
colorofclouds or
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/missmorganpryce/stillness_communities/by_spaceyme.jpgtexture by
spaceyme There will be questions, I know. Feel free to ask them. I'll shoot down one right now: no, you cannot set the texture to opacity/fill 10%, or something equally low, and claim you used the texture. You have to be able to see the effect of the texture.