Hello again! It's been a while. Welcome to Challenge 2!:D
- No larger than 40KB and 100x100 pixels. Smaller is allowed.
- You need to be
signed up in order to participate.
- Don't post icons anywhere until voting is over, all should remain anonymous. Comments are screened.
- Post your entries as a comment to this post only. Please include the URL as well as the image itself.
- One entry per person only.
- You may not use any other pictures than the one provided. Brushes, textures, etc is allowed.
- If you need to skip a challenge, go
here. Everyone is allowed one skip, except for those who've earned more.
- If you don't enter the challenge, and don't use your skip, you will be disqualified.
Entries due Thursday night, October 4th.
Basically, make an icon from any image of Jen Morrison from the first and second row from
THIS post at
house_daily. Any of the pictures of her ALONE will do.
Sorry couldn't upload them to my own servers. My net is acting rather wanky right now. Augh.
If you have any questions feel free to ask away.