(no subject)

Apr 19, 2012 10:19

Dear Housemate

If you can't rinse the dishes after using them I'm going to have to insist that you start using your own dishes so that when I go to do the washing up I can separate what I've used and what you've used (and failed to rinse).

Seriously, guys... it's not just the fact that she doesn't rinse, either. I've never seen a person do the dishes so badly in all my life (I'm not that old but I was champion of avoiding the dishes when I lived at home). I'll come back after she's done the dishes and go to start putting stuff away and it's covered in grease! How is that clean? It's not just that I can feel the grease on the dishes, I can see it too!

I've asked her, repeatedly, to rinse her dishes after using them but she still doesn't. This is my home she's living in but she seems to think that it's no big deal. I can't stand unrinsed dishes, they make me feel physically ill and washing them is just not going to happen. Is it really that hard to rinse your dishes after using them? She's putting them by the sink, all she's got to do is turn the tap on and run some water over them for a few seconds! That's all! How hard is that?

So I've decided that if she finds rinsing her dishes so hard she can't use my dishes, which is all she seems to use. She can use her own damned dishes and stop leaving mine filthy.

Oh, and did I mention that she doesn't rinse out the sink after doing the dishes either? Her manky, unrinsed dishes. There's always this disgusting film around the rim and this... residue in the bottom. It's filthy and, for me, almost as bad as unrinsed dishes.
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