"If I have a problem with you, I'll tell you. I am an adult, I discuss my problems face to face."
That WAS you that said that, right?
Oh, because you know...tapping lightly on my door (making me confused to if anyone HAD knocked since it was so light, and I was FAST SLEEP) then waiting nearly TEN MINUTES to knock again? (And getting more and more pissed, of course, then just going. "THE DOG." at me, glaring.
Ok, yes. The dog had an accident in the house. She is old, I try to make sure she gets out in due time, and made sure I did before I went to bed, but apparently? Doggie couldn't wait.
It happens, she is OLD. You knew that coming into the house.
So what do you do?
You go back into your room and loudly (enough that I can hear from the hallway, over your blasting video games) talk about how you're 'gonna snap' and you 'want to hit someone/are about to hit someone/beat the shit out of someome' (That someone? Me.) passive agresssively to your friend that has stayed every night over for the last few weeks (Oh, huge nono)
You complain that you can't even go to YOUR bathroom, in YOUR house without 'holding your breath' and again, more talk about beating the shit out of me, while your friend tries to calm you down.
Oh, apparently that's not good enough, you then open the door to your room (which comes out into the lving room, in eye sight of the hall where I was)
And you also bitch about how it's all MY fault there is hair in the tub (Um, last I checked you and my sister took showers too, and you both have thick long hair as well, but OH NO. ALL MINE. YEP!) and how you are so sick of thes e'fucking animals' and YOU PAY RENT!
Cept...you don't.
You're behind by months.
Cept...I just got a letter stating the water would be shut off if 300 and some dollars weren't paid, and I asked when the last payment was maid (Seeing as it's NEVER been over 70 dollars at the MOST)...it was September.
Oh, and in that time, you had agreed to help pay for part of my bills (namely that one) for access too food which you GLADLY scarfed up, and got pissed when I stopped (I got sick of never having anything to eat. At all, at the end of the month, and they got take out. Since I stopped, the fridge is bare. Really. Just alcohol or take out left overs from the other)
And I didn't 'discuss' that with you. Even though I was mad. Why?
Because I know how you get. I do not enjoy being threatened, to my face or 'behind my back' as you so enjoy. I do not enjoy you threatening to kill my pets because they annoy you so.
I do not enjoy you as a person. At all.
All you do is talk about how 'adult' you are. How 'grown up' and 'in charge of your life' you are...but you never have money for rent (nor bills apparently, but DO for alcohol and cigarettes, or when you want to go shopping...but you give sob stories to my dad, our landlord when rent time comes around. Or outright lie, which I have caught you in for the water bill.) and I'm the immature one.
I understand the animals (even the poor cat that is supposedly my sisters, but she has yet to do anything to feed or clean their box. All my job) are my concern, and that I have some issues because I'm disabled (which you don't believe...because you are a legit doctor, amirite?) and sometimes there are accidents.
But you puling the yelling you do 'behind my back' (but still in ear shot?) is immature. And you get mad when I don't say hi to you, when you outright ignore me. When I do the same? OH I AM SUCH A BITCH HOW DARE I!
So, really? threaten me. Go ahead. I will call the cops on you so fast your head will spin. And if you think you have ANY thing to try to whine to my father to?
He knows about the bill. My mother (the co landlord) is already trying to find someone new to get you out.
I'm done with you. You are just a person living in my house (I have been here the longest, and spent nearly 20k to revamp this house so it WAS livable. Yes I get upset that the dog has accidents, but all I can do when they happen is clean them up, and I am planning on shampooing that area again if I can.)
Don't sit there and complain about me behind my back like that. If you have a problem, talk to me.
But you can't. You can't seem to be 'adult' when it comes down to it (or I should say mature) and I suspect you were drinking tonight. Not surprised there, and I am sick of alllll of you (all three roomates) getting drunk and screaming at me/threatening me, to my face or not.
You don't think I cant get you booted out of here? Because you 'have a job and work!' you have some golden ticket?
Ok. I'm done. This JUST happened and I am so sick of this. My disability (fibromyalgia) causes stress to turn into pain. So the more stress I'm in, the more pain. (And the more THEY bitch that I'm not their personal maid and cleaning every little thing for them because 'you're home! You should.')
Ugh. Alright I'm going to try to sleep now. Dog is safely in my room with me, but the cat refuses, so I'm kinda afraid she'll intentionally let her out (she has before, she claims it's an accident, but she knows to shut the front door right behind her, and no. She lets it swing open.)