I discovered a new game tonight.
1. Call your roommates out on something they do on a regular basis. In my case, it was being too loud at 2 am, when I am trying to sleep. I did this a few days ago.
2. Give it a day or two to verify that your roommates are actually avoiding you. You dont want to start the game under false assumptions.
3. Once intentional avoidance has been verified, spend an entire evening in the common areas of the house. See what lengths they will go to to avoid eye contact or speaking with you. Maybe I should develop a scoring system.
4. Retire to your room. Once they notice that you are in your room, they will more than likely come out. Once you have verified that they have come out of hiding, return to the common areas and see how quickly they run back to their "Den of Shame". Tonight, I came out and started watching TV in the living room again, and she decided to leave her meal (half prepared) in the kitchen.