Fic Categories

Apr 02, 2016 18:27

Each fic within the "What-If" genre can fall into one or more of the following categories. We developed these while reviewing hundreds of fics for the House "What-If" Rec List, where you can see examples of each category. Stories range from wildly fantastical to essentially realistic, but all depart significantly from canon reality.

Please review these definitions and tag your fic posts accordingly.

After Death/Afterlife Dead character can interact with a live one - as a ghost, in dreams/unconscious, etc. Or, a character experiences life on another plane after (or near) his own death.
Allegory "Hey! I do the metaphors." -House in 2x12 'Distractions'
Alternate Governance Modern America has slaves, theocracy, totalitarian state, etc.
Alternate Personal History Canon character with a different past. Or, character chose a different path or profession than in canon - and thus never became our canon character at all.
Alternate Time Period Takes place in a different era/decade/century.
Alternate World History Things turned out a bit (or a lot) differently than we're used to - crops, foods, customs, exports/imports, costs, transportation, technology, population, country/colony, etc.
Amnesiac Odyssey Amnesia stories where a character must build a life for himself based on whatever he has to go on.
Apocalypse How our heroes cope, post- (or during) apocalypse. Can be more realistic (e.g., epidemic, bomb) or horror (e.g., zombies, creature invasion).
Creatures/Mythical Beings Story includes entities such as vampires, mermaids, werewolves, and so on.
Crossover Elements Crossover with, or draws concepts from, another fandom or fic 'verse - usually one with supernatural/what-iffy elements in its canon.
Deity Chat Character talks with a deity, the devil, or some other kind of supreme being. Some of these are also Wishful Thinking fics.
Human Variation Some people naturally have wings or a tail, for example. Also applies to 'verses where all humans are somehow biologically different than in our reality.
Life-Altering Events …with profound consequences. Contractverse, brainwashing, serious injury, disability, etc. Many of these are also Recovery Fics.
Magical Realism Magic happens in a very recognizable context. In some stories, this may include overt manifestation of religious, mystic and/or folkloric elements.
Type 1: Magic is real and/or normal in this 'verse, not crack.
Type 2: Magic happens as a plot device ("She put a spell on me - but that's impossible!")
Parallel Universe Character enters an alternate universe, or deduces that there is one. Can be an original AU, or an existing fic 'verse/fanon.
Powers Superpowers, prophetic dreams, etc. Can be acquired or inherent.
Recovery Fic Chronicles healing in the aftermath of a life-altering event, usually involving serious injury or psychological trauma.
Science Fiction More classic sci-fi elements - character as an android, space travel/aliens, time travel, etc.
Transmogrification Turned into a ___ (kid, animal, vampire, etc.). Also includes bodyswap and genderswap.
Wishful Thinking Wish I'd never been born/met House/had muscles removed; wish my best friend weren't dying. Character tries to alter the past to change his present, or makes a deal to change the future.

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