ZOMG... why am I doing this?

Jan 11, 2009 22:02

I'm still fighting with the computer so I thought I'd put the television on while I swap the new one for the old one again, and on the television is Most Haunted - Search for Evil ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

hihoplastic January 11 2009, 22:48:12 UTC
You should definitely watch a Disney movie before you go to sleep. Or something equally as bright and happy! Like Cuddy! Birthmarks, perhaps? Get some H/W love into your noggin before bedtime? ;)



housepiglet January 11 2009, 23:09:50 UTC
*hugs back*

Thank you :) It's a bit like watching the proverbial car crash!

That's a v. v. good idea about watching Birthmarks before bed, thanks :) Hey! I had about 45 minutes to pass today, while doing a bit of file transfer, and I watched Finding Judas in honour of you :) It really is a great eppy.


hihoplastic January 12 2009, 15:49:53 UTC
*makes unidentifiable strangled noises* FJ!!!!!! That ep breaks my HEART. TO PIECES. Lisa SO should have won an Emmy for that. Or at least been NOMINATED. Goddamnit. Stupid Hollywood. *RANTS*

...Hee. That's awesome! :D


drunken_hedghog January 11 2009, 22:52:56 UTC
Aww! Hate it when you get drawn into spooky things like that. Have you tried reading a beloved children's book? I used to read the Just-So Stories if I got a bit freaked out.


housepiglet January 11 2009, 23:11:35 UTC
Great idea, thanks :) I'll either do that or watch something comforting on the little lappy in bed. Right now, though, I'm struggling with the desire to go downstairs to make a coffee, and the need to contend with a bit of a dark staircase in order to get there. Eep! *g*


alex51324 January 12 2009, 02:31:57 UTC
Poor piglet! **pats you** Have some nice soothing hot choccy or something; then you will feel better.


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