1. The kettle, which has been dodgy for ages, finally went into to terminal mode y/day, and an important bit broke off. New kettle day now, I think. Boiling water in the microwave gets old, fast...
2. I've done most of what I needed to do re: installing the new PC and getting my stuff moved across, but in the process I've managed to break it. Only a bit, but still... now I'm trying to identify and install the weird, unidentified hardware device XP keeps finding on every boot.
3. Whilst typing this I've installed my printer on the new PC, so that I can print out the long discussion I've just had with Novatech tech support Live Chat re: the problem listed at 2. Now to see whether it works... Hmm... apparently not. Back to the drawing board on that one.
4. Right! The printer is now installed, and this time I managed to install the English driver, which is a relief, because on the last PC it was very confusing to try to interpret the little messages it kept sending me in German (which I don't speak...)
5. I'm going to B/ham tomorrow to meet angus_honey, genagirl, drunken_hedghog and others. I am so excited! But later I'll have to sift through my piglet disguises and find something appropriate, involving clothes and such.
6. Barring disaster, I am getting my puppy this coming Saturday :) I may ring the woman today, as I still don't know which of the 3 pups she's decided to keep and therefore I still don't know whether I'm getting a dog or a bitch. Zomg, I'm nervous! WHAT IF THE PUPPY EATS THE COMPUTER, AND/OR HATES HOUSE??
7. Speaking of House, I showed somebody round mine y/day (it being on the market, and all). They said they liked it but the small garden is proving a bit of a pain, as it doesn't really sit easily with the large house. I think it's putting people off.
8. I must go and start looking for a job, soon. It'll be so odd (but wonderful) not to be working as a lawyer any more! I must give some real thought to what I'd like to do for the rest of my life. Food? Something to do with computers?? Maybe even return to uni/college to do some sort of course, leading to some kind of qualification??? I'd actually v. much like to work as some sort of psychologist, but it's prolly too late now. It's what I actually wanted to do in the first place, but my father said it was a bad idea (doh...) and so I did law instead.
9. Right! I'm off to try to reinstall drivers and get rid of the irritating unknown device. I hope to see you all again later, if I don't kill the computer. If I *do* kill the computer, well... it's been nice knowing y'all XD
Update: Whoo-hoo! Looks like the driver problem is fixed :) So now my new PC is up and running and I've got my data and email and everything!
*does the happy trot*