Title: Climbing Out
Author: houses
Universe: Underworld
Characters: Selene/Michael
Chronology: Post Underworld: Evolution, spoilers for same
Summary: All alone in a broken down castle, how ever do our heroes escape?
Disclaimer: Not Mine
Rating: PG
Words: 778
He could hear water dripping from somewhere nearby, and a deep groaning from the castle walls themselves. The helicopter crash did more damage than was visible to the naked eye, he was sure of it. He knew they should move from the catwalk, go somewhere safe away from the crumbling stone and freezing water but he couldn’t move.
Michael stood transfixed, unable to look away from the sight of Selene in the sunlight.
She was radiant, not just because she was beautiful, but because the light lit something inside her. It was as if something that died in the dark all those years ago was struggling to be free, to see the world anew.
He watched as she turned her hand over in the beam of light, letting the warmth caress her skin, a look of wonder on her face. He had always thought her beautiful, even when she was terrifying, but now he felt like falling to his knees just for the chance that she’d caress those sun-soaked fingers down his cheek.
But this was Selene, and as tender as she had been, she was never one for unnecessary affection. The moment was broken when she looked at him, that same fierce determination in her eyes as when they fled the sewers after Viktor’s death.
“Time to go, Michael,” she said.
“Where? In case you didn’t notice our ride is suffering from a serious case of mechanical failure.”
Selene smiled at him, one of those cold little smiles that reminded Michael that she’d been getting herself out of messes worse than this for hundreds of years, and leapt from the walkway to the watery floor below.
“The helicopter is broken, but the radio system may be working,” she called back to him as she tugged on the crumpled door. It fell open with a clang, the body of the pilot sliding to a lump at her feet. She ignored it completely and reached into the cockpit, fiddling with things under the dashboard.
“Are you sure that’s safe?” Michael asked as he landed next to her in the water. The water was cold against his bare skin and he shivered. The pilot’s body floated near him and Michael shoved it away with his foot.
“No, but I don’t fancy swimming out of here. There is a village not far from here, or there was when I was last alive, but it’s hard to reach without a boat.” She grunted and fished a burned-looking lump of plastic out.
“Ah,” she murmured, “Let’s see if anyone is listening.”
He arched an eyebrow at her as she cleared her throat and said, “Mayfly One calling Mayfly Two. Mayfly One calling Mayfly Two.”
“Mayfly? What kind of name is that?” Michael asked and Selene rolled her eyes.
“I don’t know, but it’s what the pilot used. I know there’s another helicopter in the area because he told them we didn’t need backup when we saw the castle.” She paused. “Which we didn’t. But it would make sense they’re still in the area. Just because Corvinus is dead doesn’t mean his whole empire evaporated. Not even Markus could take that out in a few hours.”
The radio crackled and hissed as she tried again, “Mayfly One to Mayfly Two, do you read me.”
He couldn’t help himself as he reached out to touch her cheek and was surprised when she leaned into his touch. Her hair was damp and clung to her skin when he tried to brush it away.
The radio popped and they could faintly make out, “…One, contact…request coordi…landing availability? …espond.”
Her eyes lit up in triumph. “I always hated swimming.” She toggled the button on the hand piece again and began to relay coordinates to the other helicopter.
Michael watched her without paying much attention. It didn’t matter if he did, he realized, because Selene knew what to do. She always did.
When she was done with the instructions, Selene dropped the radio and sighed. “Let’s see if we can get up to the battlements. I think there’s a space they can land up there and they’ll be able to see us.”
Before turning to begin the climb out, she briefly ran her hands over him as if to make sure he was intact, to reassure herself that he was still there. His skin hummed where she touched bare flesh and he couldn’t help but remember their time locked away from the sun.
As Michael began to scale the crumbling walls into the morning sunshine he knew he would always be there right behind her, climbing out of whatever mess they were in.
He couldn’t think of anything better.