Title: Renegade
Fandom: Supernatural x Millennium
Disc: Kripke owns SPN, Chris Carter owns MIL
Characters: Sam, Dean, Frank, Jordan
Timeline: Post Millennium finale, post 2x12 ‘Nightshifter’ for Supernatural
Word Count: 3104
Rating: PG
mhalachaiswordsSummary: On the run and out of options, Sam suggests a visit to their old FBI friend. Sequel to
Renegade )
Comments 15
And I love your solution to the boys being chased to the FBI.
But really, it all comes back to the Millenium love. I've missed this show so much.
“Or my thing these days. I’ve met the anti-Christ, or something very like her, and you two are a pale imitation if that’s your game."
Oh! the Winchester boys versus Lucy Black!
I just couldn't handle waiting a week to see how the boys got out of their FBI jam so I had to do my own solution, and Detour presented the perfect opening.
I see myself playing in this universe a bit more, hopefully spanning years of time in between, because if nothing else, Dean needs some family. The 'perfect yellow house' as Frank put it, is something Dean very badly needs, even moreso than Sam, and if it comes with a slightly-less creepy teenager in it, so be it.
I'm thrilled you enjoyed it!
I definitely see continuing this 'verse in the future!
The mental image this gives me is HILARIOUS. Great job :)
As with your last story your voices for the boys was just so great and I was utterly riveted by the story itself. I find myself more concerned than I should be (you know, cause it is just a TV show... Ha!) for where the boys can move forward with all of this hanging over their heads and this satisfied that tremedously. Isn't that the best end result for a fic? To give the reader a sense of peace in the story that both resonates and fits logically and smartly into the story.
I can't wait to read more in this crossover verse and any other SPN offerings. *hugs*
I, as a fan, needed that sense of peace. I wanted to know they'd be alright, and if this is more wish-fulfillment than any brilliant story telling, that's the way it has to be.
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