i just finished the first chapter of my troypay story.
Sharoay sat on her bed and yanked on her right sneaker. She was going out for her evening run. Something she had been doing her freshmen year.
Hoping off her bed she walked out of her room and down the stair case. She heard voices coming from the living room.
It was her dad's college buddies Mike and Jim. Sharpay looked in the merior and mentally cursed her self for not grabbing her sweatshirt.
After pulling up her white tank top and down her red shorts she walked into the room. "Mommy, daddy? I'm going for my run." she said to her parents. Looking at Mike she could tell he was mentally undressing her.
Crossing her arms tight around her chest she walked out of the room and out the door. Shutting it softly she walked down their long drive way and started to run.
Jogging along she passes the Bolten's house. After she and Ryan made friends with everyone she would make a pit stop at their house and chat for a few minutes. Today she was going to stay for more then a few minutes.
Walking up to the door she knocked and was greeted by Troy. "Hey Sharpay!" he said moving aside to let her in.
"Hi" she greeted back her normal perky self. Even though her inside turned becuase she was so nervous.
Making there way to the kitchen Troy looked over at Sharpay "Are you ok? You look nervous." Sharpay looked at him. "Of course i'm fine." she flat out lied. She then put n a belivable smile.
As Sharpay walked out of the house she looked up at the sky. It had gotten darker while she was inside. Checking her shoe laces she started to run down the driveway.
As she reached the corner she stoped to look across the street. Letting out a small shrie Sharpay was being held by two men. Knowing what they were going to do Sharpay closed her eyes as tears dripped out.
She could feel her shorts and underwear being yanked to her knees as both men invaided her. Tears cam in bucket loads as she started to fight. "Help me Troy, Anybody!" She called out hoping someone would come along.
Troy got up from the couch hearing a scream. Minutes later he heard "Help me Troy, Anybody!" Looking out the front window he saw sharpay being raped.
His parents joined him at the window "mom call 911" Troy said as he ran out the door with his dad fallowing him.
Sharpay continued to scream. This was horrible. Two men who she didn't know just took her virginaty, her inoccene.
She was suddlenly droped and heared zippers being pulled up and fists impacting body parts. Then running. Still not opening her eyes she yanked her shorts up from her knees to her waist.
"Sharpay?" She opened her eye to see Troy looking down at her. "Sharpay what happened?" He said softly as he help her sit up wrapping a protective arm around her.
Sharpay started to sob as the moment came back to her. Troy picked her up as she sobbed into his chest. "shhh.." he cooed. "Its going to be alright." He then turned his head in sherch of his dad who chased the men away. "I hope." he mumble
So what do you think? That was part 1. and I would love ideas for the next part :)
Till next time,