Obligatory BW Team Entry!!!
Elizabeth ♀
Lv. 22, Jolly, "Likes to Fight".
Named after Queen Elizabeth. :V
Jorge ♂
Lv. 22, Naive, "Good Perserverance"
Space-filler flier until I get a Rufflet (or just use Archeops) later on.
Marie♀Lv.24, Quiet, "Somewhat vain."
Yaaay! Watermonkey!! I like when she faints a Pokemon and she's still waving, like saying "Bye, whore!" Was going to call her "Mari" but the "e" was a last minute change. It's also my middle name. OTL
Nugget ♀
Lv. 27, Docile, "Very Finicky"
Might replace with Elgem when I come to that point, but Nugget's being a murderbeast, so I might swap them around instead.
Zeke ♂
Lv.22, Hasty, "Capable of taking hits."
Named after a character in my story. BOB WIGGLE BOB WIGGLE PANTS
Cleo ♀
Lv.22, Quirky, "Often lost in thought."
Named after Cleopatra. When I first saw a Confagrigus, I was like, "This bro(sis)'s gonna be on my team, oh yeah!" I'm glad it was too cool to end up as a "one only" Pokemon.
Right now, I'm in the city with Elesa's gym, so I'm just training until then.