Working my way through my characters.
Full Character Name: Kougaiji
Rank/Title (if applicable): Prince
Canon (indicate anime, manga, game version if there are distinctions): Saiyuki (Primarily manga, but with some bits of the anime, like the Homura arc).
Setting of Origin (country, year, planet name, descriptive, flowery language goes here if unknown specifically, approximate to our time): China & India, time period unknown. Could be current day.
Typical Style of dress (pics are awesome):
Pic here. Anything for aura readers/reiatsu users/sixth sense folks to pick up: He's youkai, not human (just in case the pointed ears and slit-pupil eyes didn't give it away). He's also a magic user.
Jusenkyo (spring) curse?: Iguana.
Other typical status changes, island-borne or canon: None.
What will incite emo?: References to mothers, brainwashing.
...Rage?: Hurting anyone he considers under his protection.
...NO U response?: Telling him demons are evil.
How do they see the Island, in a symbolic, metaphorical sense: An occasionally annoying escape from real life.