Title: A Time to Every Purpose (temporary? title)
Fandom: due South
Characters/Pairing: Fraser and Kowalski, pre-slash
Rating: PG for the thematic elements
Length: 437
Warning: Angst
Author's Note: This was written for the DS/C6D tag event being run on LJ's
ds_noticeboard and DW's duesouth.
wihluta had to pass on the tag so
mergatrude gets me instead for the prompt "seasons."
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Comments 11
I can't quite decide whether I find "to everything there is a season" comforting or strangely harsh, given that the context is an *untimely* death--I took it the way (I presume) it was meant on first reading, but then it started to disturb me... But I like the tension-breaking goofiness of the exchange that follows, and the intimacy of them doing it while still hugging. :)
I'm glad you liked it anway. Thanks for the comment!
Yeah, I sympathize with the authorial dilemma there -- I always have to squash my tendency to put in everything I think of (address every issue I think of), which just ends up with characters philosophizing at each other at tedious length. :) And it would be sad to lose the ending exchange...
If you decide to either revise this or expand it into a series, and want a beta for it, I'd be happy to oblige. :)
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