sometimes im too good at stupid things.

Mar 19, 2007 13:50

i was having so much fun being a drunk monster on saturday, then i took my money from myself so i wouldn't lose it at a weird, no one panted party we were heading towards and bunched it up and hid it somewhere in my living rooms (i think)and now after two days of looking in weird and normal hiding places i am still without. so like, anyone who was ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

saucythompson March 19 2007, 17:25:25 UTC
that must be incredibly frustrating but it is a really, really adorable story!


crystal anonymous March 19 2007, 23:20:13 UTC
I was peeing when you hid the money, so I can't help.


howisthis March 20 2007, 17:23:51 UTC
im glad its entertaining at least. ehe. im proud of myself for outdoing myself. i still have no friggin clue where i shoved those bills.


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