enter the scene of the moment;
a bunch of modern hippies, looking for the eight ball
finding some weed and wine and some boredom
sitting on a couch waiting for a call
spacing out badly cuz there's nothing you can do
out here in the suburbs
out side of harrisburg
where there's nothing better to do.
we all have jobs for now but
they say central PA
is nothing but a deathtrap for workers
working for that low-pay
--its an endless cycle, a serpent
feasting on its own tail, so pathetic it could
fill a bucket if only that bucket was a pail.
got no gas to go nowhere
and there's just nothing better to do.
we were out in the woods
in the middle of some developments,
sitting on wooden pallets
around a dying campfire. i was staring
at the canopy, looking thru
a karma kaleidoscope. one thought
led to twenty, a trail of
events so visible i couldn't see the log
in my hand, stirring the fire.
someone was out in the woods tripping
thru the brambles. jason
called marty an intellectual. time passed
unusually. kirk and casey
found several mother-loads of firewood
but who could have possibly
helped with that chore very effectively.
kris broke but he didn't splinter.
all this happened while i just sat and
stared into the calm, wooden ceiling.
darkness ducked the radar
of our toxic minds
we lost track of
the time we'd been
inside the house for
quite some time.
i was in a fog,
the sun was out
there were bugs and
sea smells and
i had a buzz like
i cant even begin to explain.
the summer flew by
in a daze of hazy
nights and muggy days
but it all got started
in a darkened apartment
on 28th street.
don't be put off by any optimism i put forth:
i really look
down on outlooks
because they don't
look appealing.
of all the
funny shit
that goes down
some of the funniest
is the shit
that comes out
of people's mouths.
...mind felt blue like the stem
of a mushroom" and everything
was absolutely wobbling to and fro
like nobody's business. "i swear
to god i've never been this fucked
up in my entire life before now"
and we had to agree and sure as
hell, that was the brightest grocery
store we'd ever been in, not to
mention the running of the panda
and fights with imaginary tree
personalities. i watched oaks become
spiders clambering out of the
depths of suburbia and i saw a
purple cathedral glowing holy in
the trees just beyond the perimeter.
i spilled coffee
and tried to cover it up
w/a welcome mat.
it looks like
it's not so quiet
it's not so cold
it's not so crowded
it's not so bad.
need to eat.
need some gas.
need a break.
life is like
i'm on roller-skates.
There is a war going on
and we're all watching
reality TV shows and MTV,
and there are
more Americans voting
for the next "American Idol"
than in the next election.
watching soap operas in the cafeteria
as my caffine level rises to an
unpredictable sense of being wired
and i write anti-war poetry while
skipping my english class for the hell of it.
some people must see
my verse as wreckage
but i think it could be
looked at as worse.
after all, it really is
nothing but mutterings
and mumblings and
stammering stumblings
that nobody reads...
Skull crash spiderwebed window
breaks, runs like water only
blood is thicker and i mean, only
blood. 3 AM. There are no street
lights on this night on this stretch
of hi-way. things move in slow
motion. glass sparkles like snow
sprinkled amidst the parkinglot.
The trees are walking w/a thin
coating of glass it would
like to melt but there's
no steam. My dream machine
sits by the street
and jesus christ everything
feels just like ice when
my writer's block ammounts
to little more than a
brain freeze. i'll just
drive to some estranged
gas station and shoot
the shit maybe then
i'll get a thousand more ideas.
A girl envenoms my dreams
as the wind plays
w/her elaborate petals she stands
in the squeeze, repelling
everything w/a mercury glance
from flashing blue eyes.
15." (12/25/03)"
no snow Christmas day.
god gave all the snow away.
it's just fucking cold.