We had WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY tighter jeans back then..501's changed their fit in the 90's..evan if I pull them up to my man tits It look like I'm smuggling lead in the ass(the ass on the jeans are sagging..not my ass..my ass is so tight that if I ate coal I would push out diamonds)..but the camel toe is the same..but the legs on them are way way wider on the 501's now than they was in the early 80's....but any way..I'm looking forward to see the film..but I hope to god that there want be no more fucking revivals..I hate revivals..well any thing after 1980's revivals any way...hahhahahha
they changed in the 90s because people were off their 80s coke & workout habits and started getting a lot fatter. Now, they're entertaining me on Dr. Phil.
hahahah..I misssss..the tighty tight 501's of the 80's..hahhahah..I'm still surprized my nuts survived..but I was a fatty back then to. I bet Dr.Phil invented crack back in the 80's (He was prolly the only one in his hood with coke, bakingsoda and a microwave)..that is the reason he is skinhead naturell on the top..his pipe backfired and blew of all the top hair.
What? A movie with Skinheads in it that doesn't seem to be overtly "Look at the Nazis!"? How odd.
Though I find it funny, if I watched the preview right, that the skin who looks like he starts turnin into a racist looks dangerously a lot like Ian Stewart.
But maybe that's just me.
But a black guy in a movie with skinheads where he's not getting beat up is definatly a breath of fresh air.
agreed - I'm glad this is coming out. Recently on the local news here, they've been doing lots of "skinhead reports" that are freaking ridiculous. I've been trying to get in contact with them, since shit like that makes life harder for my skinhead friends.
talk to the News Director. When you call the "Info Hotline" to submit a story or something, you just get some fuckass assignments editor who just hands out stories.
The News Director is the guy in charge of the entire newsroom who pretty much decides what goes on air and what doesnt and can dish out stories to whoever he wants.
Get a hold of whoever the hell that is and you might have a chance of getting these stupid "skinhead sightings" reports removed. Or, at least suggest they make it fair and put "Gang Banger Sightings" or "Illegal Immigrant Sightings". They are all just as useful to the general population anyways.
yeah - I've tried getting ahold of these people, but since they have someone who's "legit" they think he's the only reliable source. this guy who went "undercover" as a skin for ten years is the one telling all these stories...like even the whole "if they're wearing this color of shoe laces it means this" crap.
however, arizona DOES have a ton of WP skins. A ton. I was at the highland games this year and there were about a dozen - probably all under the age of 20.
Comments 31
can't wait to see it.
I bet Dr.Phil invented crack back in the 80's (He was prolly the only one in his hood with coke, bakingsoda and a microwave)..that is the reason he is skinhead naturell on the top..his pipe backfired and blew of all the top hair.
seriously. I loooove dr. phil. Him and the heroine twins. we have slumber parties at my house.
Though I find it funny, if I watched the preview right, that the skin who looks like he starts turnin into a racist looks dangerously a lot like Ian Stewart.
But maybe that's just me.
But a black guy in a movie with skinheads where he's not getting beat up is definatly a breath of fresh air.
The News Director is the guy in charge of the entire newsroom who pretty much decides what goes on air and what doesnt and can dish out stories to whoever he wants.
Get a hold of whoever the hell that is and you might have a chance of getting these stupid "skinhead sightings" reports removed. Or, at least suggest they make it fair and put "Gang Banger Sightings" or "Illegal Immigrant Sightings". They are all just as useful to the general population anyways.
however, arizona DOES have a ton of WP skins. A ton. I was at the highland games this year and there were about a dozen - probably all under the age of 20.
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