Oh who is feeling "EMO" .....Me

Apr 19, 2004 20:21

.....I need like the Emoest music or song ever the emoest crap you know or can find..

Some things i've been feeling lately
  • :when u use to be like best friends with someone and then u just stop talking..i hate it
  • have u ever just felt like u don't know anybody anymore or like evrybody changed and u stayed the same or u changed and everybody ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

ronjeremyiscool April 19 2004, 18:27:24 UTC
I love nancy escala and that classic song...


hows_your_life April 20 2004, 09:34:06 UTC
Thanks buddy


Hey roy323 April 19 2004, 19:22:40 UTC
Hey, im going thru wat your going thru too. Im not friends with one of my friends, and she meant so much to me. It sux. We dont even talk anymore. But im here for u if u want to talk.

Im sorry Michelle.
Peace out Nancy


Re: Hey hows_your_life April 20 2004, 09:34:53 UTC
Thanks Roy!

.....talk to her,what happened did u guys get in a fight?



_nis_ April 19 2004, 21:28:50 UTC
iris - googoo dolls
august in bethany - the juliana theory
so beautiful - peter murray
on my own - the used (my personal fave emo song for when i feel like crap)
brick - ben folds
hear you me - jimmy eat world
colorblind - counting crows

check those out for emo songs...they all have the power to make me bawl my eyes out...feel better soon though hun xoxo <3


hows_your_life April 20 2004, 09:33:34 UTC
Thanks for the songs


_nis_ April 20 2004, 09:34:58 UTC
not a problem at all <3


Hola musicislife062 April 22 2004, 19:43:41 UTC
Wow I can totally relate to your feelings.. haha been there.. done that.. the best advice i have for u.. be yourself regardless of what everyone else has to say about it.. even if everyone else has changed.. dont change for them.. change for urself! and hang in there ( ... )


Re: Hola hows_your_life April 23 2004, 13:29:45 UTC
thanx for the lyrics but who sings each of them

and nice user name

i'll add you ,add me back



Re: Hola musicislife062 April 26 2004, 21:52:53 UTC
ooo sorry my bad!! The lyrics are ..Something Beautiful by Cauterize.. and awesome.. ill add ya back now.. ttyl *:)*


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