Family Tree [Draco, Scorpius - G]

Aug 07, 2012 16:33

Artist: Anonymous
Title: Family Tree
Pairing: none
Media: fineliner and crayons
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Prompt: #8 GEN - Draco, Scorpius, Malfoy Manor, happiness, I'd love to see a snapshot of them together at any age (or multiple snapshots of different ages); just them, doing things together and being happy. Maybe flying or just spending time together doing anything as father and son; father/son bonding
Summary: As requested, Draco and Scorpius share a happy father and son-moment. I put them at the sea for a freer atmosphere (and because it's summer). Hope you enjoy!:3


This artwork is the sole property of the artist who created it.
Please do not use it, in whole or in part, without the expressed consent of the artist.

genre: gen, rating: g, fest: 2012, character: draco, character: scorpius

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