Another Saturday, another catch-up day at
hp_friendship. We’ve had once again a great week in which all kinds of friendships were celebrated.
The mods would like to thank all those people who were generous enough to leave comments for our writers; you’re contributing so much to the success of this fest.
Five Times … A series of conversations between Professor Lupin and Professor McGonagall about friendship, betrayal, love, loss, teaching, learning, and Weasley twins. (Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin; 9K)
The Sister That She Never Had"'Hermione told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some
other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more--myself.'" Ginny speaking to Harry during their break-up in HBP, chapter 30, The White Tomb.
Write a missing moment between the two girls that involves this conversation. (Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger; 2,5K)
The Best Exotic Muggle Hotel One has style. If nothing else, one still has style. (Narcissa Malfoy, Fiona Zabini; 7K)
Seven Years Too Late Draco suffers abuse after he comes out as gay, but a very unexpected wizard stands up for him. Naturally, Draco isn’t happy about this. (Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter; 2K)
Blood Sisters Part 1Amelia Bones finds common ground with her Muggle counterpart. Each of them finds a friend. (Amelia Bones, ‘M’; part one of a 13,5K story)
Blood Sisters Part 2 Amelia Bones finds common ground with her Muggle counterpart. Each of them finds a friend. (Amelia Bones, ‘M’; part two of a 13,5K story)
If you rec'd one (or more) of the stories, please comment to this post with a link to your rec, so that we can collect them for the Hot Rec section of the