AnonymousPrompt/Prompt Author: Just for one day - or maybe just for a few hours - the two find they have something in common and get along. Naturally, they promise never to never speak of it again. /
igrockspockTitle: Truce
Characters: Severus Snape, James Potter
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~2600
Summary: Two teenagers who never get along share a dark waiting room while everybody else is enjoying themselves outside.
Author's Notes: Dear
igrockspock, your prompt challenged me to see a possibility of a temporary truce between these fierce enemies while keeping both characters IC. I tried my best, and I hope I did it some justice. I'd like to think that events like this have led to the great sacrifice that's the essence of the whole Harry Potter saga. I meant it to be more light-hearted than the end result, with more mutual understanding and shared views, but, well, Severus had other ideas. Good characterisation? I hope so. Many thanks to both my betas, and to the mods for keeping the friendship fire alight.
The boy with the long black hair moved quickly and quietly, his steps just short of hurried. His body, wrapped in an ill-fitting black robe, blended into the shadows as he paced across enchanted staircases, passed under animated portraits and rushed through empty halls. Even if stealth hadn't been in his character, he could still have run directly to his destination without being noticed; it was a beautiful spring day and most of the students were outside, enjoying the pale Scottish sun. But stealth had always been part of who he was, and he had also had a few very good reasons to make sure he was not being followed on his way throughout the castle.
One of those reasons, an equally rumpled-looking teenager, was staring at him as he opened the door to the infirmary's waiting room.
"Get out, Snivellus. You have no business here."
Severus Snape didn't move; he could stare down as well as anyone. He narrowed his eyes and had a better look at the decidedly annoying Potter.
Potter always looked dishevelled, but fashionably so. Today, however, his robe was hanging off one shoulder as if he couldn't spare the time to adjust it properly; not as if he couldn't have even bothered with it, as usual. The laces of his very expensive shoes were only half-tied and his haughty demeanour seemed somewhat forced.
That wasn't like Potter at all. He had always made jokes about how unkempt Severus appeared, and how Hogwarts shouldn't accept charity students who could not buy decent clothes, let alone ugly ones. And Severus, seeing the arrogant prick messing his hair to look even more rumpled, had always known better than to point out that he had done his best with what he had had, while Potter had only managed to ruin good clothes for the sake of seeming 'cool'. However, Potter didn't look 'cool' today; he looked grey, faded, jaded.
"I thought I told you to get out," he said in a tired voice. "Or has the dirt level in your ears finally made you deaf as well as dumb?"
Severus closed the door quietly behind him and stepped forward. It was his business, too. He met Potter's eyes defiantly. Then, gesturing with his head at the closed door on the other side of the room, he said. "Any news?"
Potter took a big breath and then sighed while slumping further down on his seat. "No, though it's none of your business, like I said." But he pulled his outstretched legs closer to allow Severus to pass on his way to the beaten armchair in the corner.
Severus nodded. "Thanks, anyway." He sat down and pulled a bottle of water from his bag, taking a sip and putting it back in place. "I came as fast as I could," he offered. "Are you here long?"
Potter nodded glumly. "Since it happened. How much do you know, and who told you, anyway? All Slytherins are away for the day, I've heard. Hadn't Slughorn made a 'special little party' on the far side of the lake for the whole House to celebrate 'the jolly merits of spring' or some-such?"
He had his fingers illustrate quotation marks in the air and somehow managed to make the gesture only mildly offensive. Severus decided to ignore the implication that nobody outside his own House would speak with him and answer the questions; there were more important things than pride.
"I know that Lily Evans had a flying accident this morning and that she's been unconscious since. I know that she didn't break anything, but that she fell on her head and that the mediwitch keeps her unconscious until she can be sure there is no permanent damage and that can take some time. I also know that her parents can't come because they are Mu- ah- Muggles, and that nobody is allowed in to be by her bed for now."
Potter, who until that point looked somewhat deflated, pulled himself up to proper sitting position and looked directly into Severus's eyes, his own eyes narrowing in suspicion. His hand was quick to draw his wand out and point it at Severus. "How would you even know all that?" He demanded. "Did you apply any of your nasty little Dark spells on her? A tracking charm, maybe? You should be reported to the headmaster! You creepy little spy--"
Surely the rich brat had more sense than to hex a classmate just outside the infirmary's door with the mediwitch inside?
"I wouldn't waste my energy on calling Professor Dumbledore if I were you," Severus advised him, controlling his tone to sound as neutral as possible just to be sure the idiot didn't hex him anyway, "seeing that it was the headmaster who gave me special permission to leave our 'splendid little party' and asked me to join you here in the waiting room. Naturally, I can't say this is much of an improvement from the social aspect of things, but if I can manage, surely, so can you."
"Dumbledore sent you?"
"He did. Professor Slughorn was all too happy to let me go when he heard why I was being called; said he would have come to be with 'Dear Lily' himself if he weren't previously engaged and asked me to give his best wishes to her."
Potter snorted and Severus couldn't hide his own bitter smile; he should not let Potter see the little respect he had for his head of House, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to care about it now.
"All right," said Potter, and slumped back into his seat. "Welcome to this very exclusive party." He pulled a bottle of pumpkin juice from under his seat and offered it to Severus after glugging half of it. Severus shook his head and drank again from his own bottle, raising it towards Potter in a gesture of salute. Both of them sighed at the same time, looked at each other in surprise and hastily looked away.
It occurred to Severus that he had never had any real conversation with James Potter before. James had always been surrounded by his cocky friends and admiring girls and despite the fact that Lily - when they were still on speaking terms - had sometimes mentioned him in a good light, his own impression of the guy was not exactly favouring. The person who sat across from Severus in the waiting room, however, looked a lot more serious than Severus had ever seen him. He didn't try to hide that he was worried, and he certainly didn't keep his initial line of offensive resentment towards Severus after he'd found out that his presence had not been intrusive but requested by the principal. Severus suspected that without his usual admirers, James might be even feeling lonely, and wondered whether his usual arrogant air had been just for show.
"For the record, I wouldn't," he said, determined to clear a point even if James would probably still not believe him.
"Wouldn't what?" There was a look of confusion in James's eyes.
"I would never use any Dark magic on Evans, like you said; she's too--"
He didn't say 'pure' because he thought James would use it against him later, but the thought lingered in his mind. Instead, he said, "I would never hurt a friend. And I wouldn't also place a tracking charm on her or her belongings, although I'm sure you don't believe me. I'm not a spy and would never spy on her." I respect her even though she doesn't respect me anymore, he didn't add.
"If you say so," Potter shrugged. "A Slytherin's word's worth so much, after all..."
"Said the fickle Gryffindor. Yes, I'm aware of this conception. Yet, contrary to popular belief, I keep my word all the same."
"Make sure that you do."
The waiting room was silent after that. There was nothing either of them could have done but wait, neither inclined to prepare any assignments during their waiting time, and there was no other reading material in sight. They tried to keep a watchful eye on each other but got tired after the first hour or so; it appeared neither of them had felt the need to spend the following week in detention.
Good for them.
James Potter took his famous snitch from his pocket and started playing with it like he always did when he needed to keep his hands occupied and his mind off things. He did look out of sorts and Severus hoped that his own fear for Lily's health didn't show as clearly on his face. It was hard to pretend you didn't care when you cared very much, and the absurdity of both of them trying to hide their apparent feelings from the other made him reconsider Dumbledore's motivations when he'd summoned him from his House's Spring Feast; he would not put it past the headmaster to use this opportunity to force a truce on two rivals in-heart and by House just by putting them together with nothing better to do than talk.
The funny thing was, it worked.
James Potter was as anxious about Lily's condition as he was, and while Severus could have said that he had had her friendship for years, even if he'd lost it for some time now, James's crush on his classmate was not acknowledged, exactly. She did let him hover in the background, but never accepted his over-protectiveness and usually dealt with everything on her own. They were not 'a couple' as such; some people assumed they'd be at some point in the future - the two golden Gryffindor stars in their year would have made for a poster couple in Witch Weekly, no doubt - but for now they were just two very successful teenagers who ventured very little outside their own circles of close friends. It occurred to Severus that James might be totally in the dark about Lily's feelings for him.
"She likes you, you know." He didn't mean to say it out loud; they were not supposed to discuss something so personal, but the words came out anyway. He saw the puzzled look aimed at him and hastened to clarify, no point retracting now. "Evans. I see how she looks at you sometimes."
"And you say you are not spying on her? Are you sure about that? Gee, you are impossible!"
"I didn't say I wasn't looking, though. I can hardly close my eyes every time any of you Gryffindors pass in front of me now, can I? Especially when you and your friends are involved, I need to watch out anyway. And when I watch, I see things. Like the way she looks at you when she thinks it's safe to look. I know it frustrates you to think about it, but I used to know her pretty well and she can't hide those looks from me."
James seemed to consider this. He nodded. "I'll take your famous Slytherin word for that, too." He smiled. "Thanks."
He had a nice smile when he bothered. Not the lazy, confident smile he usually gave his friends, but a natural smile, pleasant. It made Severus add something he'd never thought he'd ever say to James Potter, his greatest enemy.
He said, "I know you care for Evans; I don't need to watch you toying with your annoying snitch all afternoon to have my proof, I can use my eyes to see what both of you can't."
He knew he was sealing his own fate then, but was resolute to do the right thing regardless. It was too late for him. Lily didn't like the life he chose, and no matter what he told himself, she was probably right. He also knew that he would not change; not even for her. She deserved better.
Severus forced himself to speak through the lump in his throat, for Lily's sake.
"I don't like you, Potter, but Evans does. I'm probably going to regret it, but to spare her some pain I'm willing to tell you that you are taking the wrong approach here. Forcing your constant protection on her only alienates her; she hates it. Give her the same respect you give your less deserving stupid mates. Seriously. She's strong enough to take care of herself without anybody's help."
"Why are you telling me this? What's in it for you?"
"I already said it: I wish to spare Evans the headache that dealing with your annoying chaperoning is causing her; you have no idea how mad that kind of behaviour makes her." And I already wish I hadn't given you advice.
"Speaking from experience?"
"Speaking from experience."
James gave Severus another smile; this time it was rueful. "She is a force to be reckoned with; I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her wrath-- umm-- again..."
Severus agreed wholeheartedly. Lily made sure he always knew what she thought, and at that moment, he just didn't feel he could face another rejection; she had been very clear the first time. He would have to leave before she woke. He could just hope that James would not volunteer any vital information when they spoke. He had good reason to believe he wouldn't, but with James Potter one never knew.
Before he managed to ensure that with James though, the infirmary's door opened and the school's matron came out. "Good news," she said. "Miss Evans is going to recover fully. She is regaining consciousness and will accept visitors shortly. Moreover, Professor Dumbledore managed to finally get hold of her family and they are about to join us any minute."
"Her family are coming?" Said James. He looked a little weak.
"All of them?" Added Severus.
The mediwitch shook her head. "There was an issue with her sister, I believe. The headmaster wasn't clear about that, but I think only the parents will come." She smiled at the boys and turned to the door. "You may come in."
Severus rose to go. "I'll be off, then; she doesn't need me in there."
James looked surprised. "I thought Dumbledore gave you permission."
"He did, but I'm not sure Evans would have given me the same. In fact, I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention it to her. I think it would be best if she believed I didn't care anymore."
James nodded, an odd expression on his face. "Okay."
Severus hoped it was not pity. He hated pity. "You'd better go in before her parents arrive. I take it you haven't met them yet?"
"They're fine. Muggles, but pro magic. Unlike her sister. Good for you she isn't coming; she's a real monster. If you want to know who's the real spy, that's her. Whatever you do, make sure she's away. Believe me, you don't want her in your business."
"I thought Lily liked her sister!"
"She does. But I don't, and you don't have to, either." He turned to leave, his hand on the handle. "Good luck, and please, don't tell her I was here."
"I won't. Thanks, Snivellus!"
"You are welcome, posh Gryffindor brat!"
The door closed and he walked silently down the corridor towards the Slytherin common room. He hoped he'd have some time to read before everybody returned from the feast and started making noise. The last thing he needed now was a headache.