Announcement: Reunion Dates and Schedule of Events!

Oct 10, 2014 10:09

Spend time going back to LJ, back to Harry Potter fandom, and back to friends! Read, write, draw, reminisce, and remember how much we loved - and still do - the Harry Potter Fandom!
The reunion will be held November 1st to November 16th . We really want the reunion to have a feeling like it was back then on LJ, including an active flist, filled with various things we all enjoyed - fic, art, meta, and the sense of sharing our love. So there will be events both here and in various other communities around LJ.

Right now we have three communities with events happening around the reunion:

rhr-smutfest ( link)
snarry-games ( link)
harryronreunion ( link)
hd-fan-fair ( link)
takingitinturns ( link Harry/Ginny)
hpef ( link)
pissed-potter ( link)

And we'd LOVE more! I've sent some PMs to active communities, but if I missed yours or, even if you don't have a community, but want to start one, please consider hosting an event. It doesn't have to be a fic/art exchange. Even if it's a themed commentfest on your own LJ or a .gif party at a commuity you mod, any event is welcome and will be shared here. If you want to host an event, please send me a link to the intro post and we'll share it here.

Schedule of Events in the Main Community

*** In addition to the events below, we're aso planning on hosting book and movie discussions, but we're looking for people to help with those. If you're interested, please comment on the post. ***

- Every weekday during the reunion a post will go up in the main community encouraging people to write their own flist entry pretending that it's the day of (or after) a certain HP event - "Pretend you just got back from seeing 'Prisoner of Azkaban'" - OR go find the entry you made back then and reblog it.

- Daily books and movies discussions.

- A commentfest will open on the first day of the reunion. Any pairing, any genre, any theme is allowed. It will remain open for the entire reunion for prompts/fills.

Sat Nov 1st
  • Fandom Roll Call: Let's kick off the reunion with a roll call of who's come back, where they are now, what they'll be doing during the reunion.
Mon Nov 3rd
  • 'Remembering Real Life Meetups': We'll spend some time recalling cons and meetups - GET YOUR PHOTOS READY!
Sat Nov 8th
  • 'Love Meme': Let's show our love for our favorite things (fics, art, meta, etc) and people in fandom.
Tue Nov 11th

  • 'How Harry Potter Fandom Changed My Life': Discussion on how this fandom changed us.
Sun Nov 16th
  • 'Farewell Reunion Party': Say goodbye, share a gif, talk about your favorite events...

And we need you to get the word out! Nudge people who you'd like to see come back. Share this post on tumblr and twitter. Try to reach as many people as you can. Let's bring them back!

important information, schedule, announcement, dates

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