DATE: August 9, 2007
RATING: PG (some language and "violence"?)
SUMMARY: James is a prat and a masochist, Ally likes to stomp on feet, Du has a violence fetish, and sometimes even wilted flowers are romantic.
NOTES: Any and all errors are because it's almost 6 AM.
Ally: Still happy that no one was making fun of her mistake in potions she pushed her hair behind her ears and smiled. "Are you sure? I tend to read a lot and once I get to the library I might be meeting up with someone to talk charms."
Du: *He watched her confidence grow a bit since no one was bothering her and he felt a bit more proud of himself.* If that happens then I will study..but I will keep an eye on you.
James: James yawned boredly and loosened his tie up a bit more. No pranks planned until later, no meals right now, quidditch pitch taken. He thought maybe he could find a bit of amusement if he could find Peeves, but instead he ran smack into Ally when they rounded a corner. "HEY!"
Ally: "UNF!" Ally went flying and hit the floor. She made a loud sound that could be called a scream but more high pitched.
Du: *His eyes widened as Ally is bumped into by somebody coming around the corner and turned to help her up. When she is back to her feet he turns to the boy and grabbed his shirt.* Hey! Why don't you watch where you're walking!?
James: James was about to say something when he was pulled up by the collar. "He-WHAT? She was the one speed walking through the corridors! Not my fault!" How DARE he touch James' pleasantly wrinkly shirt!
Ally: Ally had little time to realize what was going on. First she was walking, then she hit the ground, then suddenly she wasn't on the ground. The kicker however was when she looked up Dureau had JAMES by the collar! "Woah! WOAH! Dureau! Put James down please! It was simply an accident! As much as he's a prat sometimes.. I mean it wasn't his fault! Not this time!"
Du: *Du had his eyes narrowed angrily at the other boy, who was smaller than him, but he didn't care. He was about to teach him a lesson for knocking over ladies before he hears Ally's plea.* Uhn..very well.. *He let the boy go reluctantly.*
James: James glared and forcefully pulled back as though he'd actually done something to make Du put him down. He looked between Du and Ally for a moment. Then his anger turned into a look much closer to curiousity. His eyes widened with mirth and amusement. "Merlin, Slythy! Are you cheating on Al?"
Ally: Her eyes widdend before they narrowed. Maybe this was one of the reasons she was a Slytherin, because right now she looked like a cobra ready to strike. "I swear to the heavens above James Potter, I AM NOT DATING EVERY BOY I AM WALKING WITH!"
Du: *Wasn't sure what to say about the other boy's accusations and took a step back, pushing some hair out of his face a bit.* Well..if we were dating, I'd be holding her hand...duh? *He smirked a bit as if to mock the kid, and then leaned against the wall.*
James: James shrugged and simply responded with a smirk of his own. "It's probably smarter not to. One wrong move and she'll throw cake, I'm warning you. Probably keeps a stash in her robes just in case." He eyed Ally, still not having forgiven her for the hair remark.
Ally: It was then that Ally did indeed strike. She walked right over to James, got in his face, and...STOMPED HIS FOOT AS HARD AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE FOR A GIRL HER AGES! "Oh HO! So, you wanted me to grow a backbone! THERE YOU GO! Now here's some advice for you Potter, learn some tact!"
James: James practically howled when a moments delay let the pain shoot through his poor, abused limb. He hopped up and down then used the wall to lean against while he rubbed the injured thing. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS YOUR DAMAGE?! I NEEDED THAT FOOT!"
Du: *His eyes widened in shock and in awe as the small Ally stomped the boy's foot and he pushed himself off the wall.* That was beautiful! *Du shouted and thrust his hand in the air in near delight.* I don't know why you did it, but well done.
Ally: "You have no concideration for anyone that isn't you or yours! You're tactless and deserve every bit of pain you got! Maybe next time you want to insult someone and make them cry, YOU'LL KNOW WHO IT IS YOU'RE DEALING WITH!" She was huffing, that attack took a lot out of her since she was so small. And she wasn't accustom to yelling either.
James: James had, at this point, taken off his shoe to check the damage on his perfect foot. After a moment to make sure nothing was broken (just starting to swell and bruise), he started incredulously at Ally. "YOU THINK RUINING SOMEONE'S CHANCES OF MAKING THE QUIDDITCH TEAM IS OKAY BECAUSE YOUR HOLY HIGHNESS THINKS THEY DESERVE IT?" He half bellowed at her as Quidditch is rather important to him. But then...he stopped. And just started laughing. Crazy old James.
Ally: "I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT THE TEAM MEETING ISN'T TODAY POTTER. YOU'LL HEAL BEFORE IT DOES-...Why...why are you laughing?" She looked confused. And a part of her.. seemed releaved.
James: "Y-you..." He laughed a little harder even as he bumped his foot against the wall as he did so. After a wince, he still snickered. "You're a bloody witch...and you go and stomp on someone's FOOT to get revenge?"
Ally: She stood there for a moment stunned, and then the hallway was filled with TWO sets of laughter. She broke out in to her own and held her side. He was RIGHT! "Oh bloody hell and I thought I was smart to think of that. Hahah.."
Du: *Du was about to lecture the boy, apparantly named Potter, until he heard Ally laughing also. Now he didn't know what to do and took a step back from the situation.*
Ally: Wiping her eyes a little she smiled. "Sorry I stomped your foot. But you were asking for it.. you shouldn't be so mean all the time."
James: James scoffed. "Mean? Hardly. You were the one that started the insults." Of course, James could do no wrong. He ruffled his own hair as if to comfort it.
Ally: "James I was clearly joking with you. I mean honestly there is nothing wrong with your hair, it's perfectly nice."
James: "I don't know that." He said, almost poutingly. "Those ruddy journals don't tell me what you mean. I'm no occlumens." James hmphed, but traces of amusement still lingered.
Ally: Ally rubbed the back of her neck slightly before pushing her bangs -- which had the green streaked in them -- behind her ears again. "I'll try to make it clear I'm joking next time. But what you said was very hurtful...but I think stomping your foot made us equal."
James: "Equal? Like hell." He gave her a mischievious look. "I think not." He raised his foot as though to stomp on Ally's foot, but swiftly kicked Du in the knee instead. "There. We're even."
Ally: Ally couldn't help it. She REALLY couldn't, she actually laughed. "Oh Dureau I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..but.. honestly I thought he was going to.. well you know .." She couldn't help the laughter..
Du: *Du's eyes twitched and he stumbled back after getting kicked by the brat. Oh, he already doesn't like the kid. Without thinking he rushes toward him and grabs his shirt once more, pinning him up against the wall and nearly choking him.* Tu m'emmerdes!! C'est quoi ton probleme?! *And thus Du goes on a rant..in french.*
Ally: "Dureau! I know what he did was wrong and I shouldn't be defending him at all and don't ask me why but don't hurt him!" Ally shouted as she ran over and tried to pry Dureau's hands off of James' shirt.
Du: *Du continued to hold the boy against the wall in a bit of a rage. He always did have a bad temper.* Non! J'en ai plein le cul!"
James: James tried to grin even as he half clawed at Du's hands to try to get him off. His feet kicked out a few times, but it didn't help much that it was the bruised one that managed to connect. "Don't get a bloody word, mate!" This came out half grunted, of course, as he was nearly being strangled by the third year.
Ally: "Dureau please let James go!" She looked as if she would start crying soon. "Please! He's like this! He doesn't think before he acts! Please leave him alone! Bullying people isn't the answer!"
James: James cracked a wider grin even if he was turning a rather oxygen deprived shade of blue. "Yeah, listen to your girlfriend."
Du: *Du bit his lower lip and his hand begins to shake as it holds on to the boy a bit longer. Finally he releases him and lets the boy fall to the ground. He spits at him. * Va te faire foutre.
Ally: A tear or two leaked from Ally's bright green eyes as she let go of Dureau's arm. "You prat. Even making fun of me when I'm ..hic, trying to help you!"
James: James landed on the ground and grabbed his foot as it hit the floor too. He foresaw some limping in his future. "Perfect for each other. Two crazy gits." He mumbled, amused in a terribly James sort of way.
Ally: He was horrible. Why did she like him so much? Why? Why couldn't she pick and choose who made her heart beat faster. She began to cry more placeing her hands over her eyes. He was just so horribly mean..
Du: *Du shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the boy pitifully, with a dash of anger still.*
James: The Potter boy blinked, and a slight nervous look crossed his face. Crying people. He never had a CLUE what to do with crying people. "Er..."
Ally: "You're...you're just like everyone else.. hic.. you're horrible.. even..even when I tried to help.. I shoulda let him pound you.. why are you so mean.. to me.." She just couldn't stop the tears, no matter how much she wiped at her eyes.
Du: *Noticing Ally was crying he cursed under his breath a little once more and moved closer to her and rested a hand on her shoulder, although he had a feeling it wouldn't help to comfort such a woman.*
James: James looked awkwardly around to try to get some answers as to what to do in such a situation. He even glanced at Du for an example, but there was no way he was gonna do that.
Du: *He kneels down next to the hysterical girl and rubs her back gently.* Don't cry..il est stupide..
Ally: She just stood there. Crying. Trying her best not to. She looked at her options, run away and head to the girls bathroom where she could cry her eyes out all she wanted, cover her eyes and head to the library and pretend like nothing happend, or yell at him and nothing changes. She didn't like any of the above.
James: "Uh..." Ever eloquent, it was about all James could muster. He tried to think of what his dad would do in this situation. "Floras." he muttered and a rather pathetic flower fell out of his wand. Damn, never was good at that charm. The poor thing looked half dead on the ground.
Du: *Du glanced over at the boy and saw the dead flower on the ground. He quickly pulled his wand out secretly and waved it silently. The flower began to gain colour and perked up.*
James: James looked at the flower, then looked at Du, then looked at the flower again. He kicked it closer to Ally while looking almost sheepishly off to the side. Really, crying was cheating.
Ally: Her vision was a little clouded, wiping her eyes once more she blinked at him. Did he make her a flower? She looked up at him then down at the flower again. The tears stopped as she cracked a small smile. Sure James kicked it, but that's how he was. You either took it or left it. Bending down she took the small flower from the ground and her smile grew wider as she looked at it.
Du: *As quickly as he took the wand out he slid it away so Ally wouldn't see and then stood up, suddenly not sure if he wants to be near the girl at this particular moment.*
James: James shifted from side to side, but he quickly returned to his usual haughty stance. "If you're done blubbering already. Honestly." He crossed his arms, but made sure not to lean on his foot too much.
Ally: It was there. And that was why she liked him, that heart he hid away deep deep inside. She looked up at him and lifted an brow, well who knows how long it would take. But maybe one day she would be able to drag that heart out. "I don't know James, are you done making me blubber?" She laughed a little.
Du: *Du rolled his eyes slightly at the two and brushed off his clothing.* I can say probably not.. *Laughs a little.*
James: James smirked, eyeing them both. "Not my fault you can't take it." Still, he was slightly wary of the girl having another sort of attack. Maybe there was some plumbing spell he could use to stop it next time. If it works on pipes, it should work on girls.
Ally: "You know James, you should be nicer to girls. If you aren't you might regret it later in life." She didn't give him a reason, she didn't say anything else. She just grabbed her things and began to walk back down the hallway. A smile on her face.
Du: *For a moment Du stood there eyeing the idiotic boy, contemplating waiting for Ally to get out of vocal range and then attack him once more. He decides against it and laughs.* You are clueless..
James: James watched her leave, utterly confused, before turning his attention to Du. "Clueless?" He stood up as straight and tall as he could, probably trying to compete with the taller boy. "At least I made her stop crying. Not like you did much."
Ally: As she turned the corner she pulled her journal out of her bag, sniffed the flower, and placed it between two pages. (*done ally is gone to meet oscar* )
Du: *He didn't move as the boy stood up tall in front of him and only waved his hand in the air.* Eeh..Faut péter dans l'eau pour faire des bulles
James: James stared at the other man. "I could blubber nonsense too, but it's not gonna do much." He grinned, feeling quite good for standing up to a third year. A Slytherin even.
Du: *Du was older than the other boy, and his eyes weren't covered by the veil of House competition. But this time he stood up straight and glared down at him, a small evil smirk on his lips.* ...what is your name?
James: James frowned for a moment, but smirked right back up Du. It was likely less evil though. "James Potter. But you can call me Sir."
Du: *He laughed at the boy and rested a hand on his shoulder, but not gently.* Ahh no I will call you Connard..it suits you better..
James: James blinked. Admittedly, he hadn't a clue was Du was talking about. "Connard?"
Du: *Du nodded as if the name was a compliment.* Oui..do you like it?
James: James thought it over for a second, then he grinned up at Du while brushing the hand off his shoulder. "Nah, I think Sir works much better. Aaaand...I think I'll call you Frenchy. Like it?" He didn't even bother asking his real name.
Du: *Shrugs a little and quickly sweeps his foot under the boy, knocking him over at the shins. He was glad his father taught him karate since a young age.* I'm British. I just grew up in France, and even if I didn't speak French I would still know more words than you ever will.
James: James' eyes half bugged out as he fell on the floor, once again cradling his poor now even more bruised foot. "Dammit, Frenchy! If you're British then you sure as hell should know that's not how we greet arseholes." He grabbed Du's legs, topping him over. This wasn't proving his point very well.
Du: *Du stumbled a moment and fell onto his hands, then quickly brushed the boy off and jumped back to his feet.* The only reason I'm not pummeling you into the floor right now is because Alexandrea-belle would be crushed. Be grateful.
James: James used the wall to help himself up. He didn't want to push his foot too much. Still, he smirked up at the other boy. "Or that's your excuse. Frenchy."
Du: *Raises an eyebrow at the boy and walks toward him again. He didn't mind being called Frenchy, but he wasn't going to stand for his chivalry being called bogus.* You know.. *He pins him against the wall again, but doesn't choke him.* You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut..apparantly your parents failed to teach you that..
James: James frowned at Du. "My parents don't fail at anything. And yours definitely didn't fail at making you a rotten bastard, eh?" Nobody insulted his parents and got away with it, no matter how obscure.
Du: *Du's face went more serious and he pressed his finger against James' forehead.* If you didn't notice..you were the one that made a young woman cry..that is the very definition of a jerk. A bastard is a child born out of wedlock, and I was not..neither am I assuming you were.
James: James shoved at Du because he had a certain fondness for personal space that Du was definitely invading at the moment. "If you were too ruddy stupid to notice, she was the one that stomped on my foot first. Didn't see ME crying about THAT."
Du: *The shove only caused Du to grasp the boy by the collar of his shirt, making it a little tight around his neck.* It seemed to me that she had a good reason for it. And even so, a man doesn't make a woman cry..ever. *He stressed the word while tightening his grip, his other hand on his wrist starts to squeeze hard enough to cause bruises.*
James: James snorted, although wary of the increasingly uncomfortable grip. "I didn't MAKE her do anything. She started leaking all by herself."
Du: *His face moved increasingly closer to James' to try and get his point across.* You need to learn that girls are different from boys. They can take something you think is innocent, and flip it into something insulting.
James: James managed a smirk. He wasn't in Gryffindor for nothing. "Hey, if she wants to yell at me all the time, she bloody well better be able to take it back. I'm not going to sit back and let her kick me whenever she's in a rut."
Du: *Du's head lowered for a second with a loud sigh. He couldn't believe this kid was only two years younger instead of eight.* Unfortunately you will take it.
James: Glaring, James resisted the urge to spit on the face that was so close. He did not take kindly to being told what to do. Only his parents and maybe Teddy got away with that much.
Du: *After another minute or so he realized this kid wouldn't respond to force, at least not the small amount he could currently use without getting Ally upset. So he stepped away and released him, again letting him fall if it happened.* You need manners..
James: James wobbled on his feet after being unexpectedly let go. "And you need a better personality." He brushed himself off.
Du: *Du smirked at the boy once more and ran his fingers through his hair gracefully.* I have a fine personality, boy. Now excuse me, a lovely young lady is waiting for me.. *He winked and bowed out, turning and walking in the direction Ally left in.*
James: James snorted. "Pretentious ass." He said to himself, then a bit louder. "See? I can use big words too!" James, being James, felt like he'd won. He snickered and limped off back towards Gryffindor tower.