Who: Ally & Katrina
Where: Slytherin common room
When: Undetermined. Sometime over the weekend, I'd imagine
Summary: Secret sharing, crushing, and bonding
Katrina: Kat exhaled a quiet sigh as she flipped through her potions book, and the supplemental potions book. Multiple resources were fun. Homework, however, wasn't the primary thing on her mind. She decided she'd never get up the nerve to talk to Professor Potter, and she didn't know the boys well enough - but Ally did. So she was waiting for Ally to come back from wherever she'd been off to, to discuss her new plan.
Ally: It had been a long day and Ally was busying herself among the many secret corridors of Hogwarts. Finally seeing that she'd explored enough and put them both to memory and on her own map-- she headed back. Walking through the common room entrance she noticed Kat and smiled.
"Hey you, working on homework?" She looked over Kat's shoulder at the potions and wrinkled her nose. "Blimey. I remember that potion, peice of work that one is." With that she walked to a seat near her and sat down with an 'umph'
Katrina: "It's not so bad, really," she assured Ally. "I'm really good with potions," she reminded her with a grin. She glanced around, to ensure they were more or less alone - or at the very least out of earshot - and she ... decided to put Ally first. "How was your day?"
Ally: "I totally forgot!" She remarked looking more amused than a moment ago. "Hey maybe it's you I should be coming to for help in Potions." With a small giggle she took out her scrolls and ink. "It was actually pretty uneventful." The scroll she had just pulled out however was a map she had been drawing up of Hogwarts. She had began to mark a new hallway that wasn't there before. "I explore a lot." She mentioned as she looked up.
Katrina: "I haven't gotten brave enough to explore," she admitted. "I'd probably get lost, and I doubt Nigel would be there to rescue me twice." She smiled, then smoothed out her robes. "Can I ask you a favor?" Biting her lip nervously, she regarded Ally.
Ally: "If you ever want to go with me I know my way around pretty well. And I use this one charm I read about last year to guide me back if I get lost." She was about to explain some more when she noticed the urgency in Kat's voice. She put her quill down and turned to face her. "Of course. What is it?"
Katrina: "I'd go with you," she said, nodding, and kind of trying to procrastinate. Shifitng her weight in her chair, she gazed down at her books before speaking. "Y'know the thing...the secret? I ... I don't know how to ... to tell them. And you know them better than me...could you, maybe..." she bit her lip, lifting her green eyes to look at Ally. "Could you...maybe...let it slip? Or...or just tell them? I don't want to ... you know, make an announcement in my journal, in case...it'd embarass them."
Ally: "You want me to tell Al you're realted to him?" She blinked once, then again. She wasn't sure she was the one to do something so important. Her cheeks warmed a little under the pressure of the situation. "If..that's what you want. I mean I can speak to him about it." She was nodding her head without noticing. Looking down at her map for a moment she pondered what exactly she would say to him? "I'm sure, he'll take it well. I mean he has a bunch of cousins, I don't see why another would bother him." She smiled for Kat and reached out to pat her shoulder. She hoped that would help, even a little bit.
Katrina: "If you don't want to, it's okay. I just...I don't know. I feel kind of weird just .. blurting out 'oh, hey, we're related' to a guy I hardly know." She bit her lip and shifted her weight again. "Maybe...if you wanted instead...drag him over next time we're in the same room, and...I don't know. Maybe I could say it if you were here."
Ally: "I could do either! I'm sorry for giving off the impression that I wouldn't do it.. just a big thing yanno'?" She smiled again and waved her finger. "Nothing to be scared about I'm sure! Al is a rather nice boy, James on the other hand.. " Wrong idea to say his name, her cheeks lite up a little more thinking about the other days events. She coughed in to her hand and turned back to her map. "Well, he's a prat." She said in a fast manner.
Katrina: "I guessed," she admitted. "I mean, I've seen some of what he says in other people's entries. In the journals." She licked her lips, and sighed softly. "But Al seems okay," she offered. "Kind of quiet though." She rubbed her hands on her robe, looking around again. Arc roamed over, and Kat smiled as she gathered the cat into her lap, setting the homework aside.
Ally: "You don't know the half of it. I swear, that boy." She tried her best to calm her heart and cool her face by thinking about all the annoying things he did. Also she choose that time to busy herself with the map, maybe ranting about him would help? "I threw a cake on him once. He deserved it! Oh and stomped his foot, for insulting me. Said at least he HAD friends. What a ruddy thing to say to a girl. Git. Prat. Jerk." Oh yes, she was on a rant.
Katrina: She kind of giggled a little. "Is he that bad, really? Maybe I should disown him before I even admit I'm related to him." Then she paused. "You threw a cake at him? That was a waste of food," she teased her friend gently.
Ally: "Indeed. He isn't good enough to have such a delightful treat placed on that arrogant head of his." She nodded and giggled a little at Kat's comment about disowning him. "Al would, cept that he's his brother and once in a while he shows that he's not such a brat deep down inside." She looked at Kat with a smirk, "I mean deep deep REALLY deep down of course."
Katrina: "Oh, of course," she agreed with a nod. She contemplated, and thought maybe she would just suck it up and talk to Professor Potter, but every time she thought about that, she got nervous. But she didn't really want to talk anymore about this, so she waved it off, and leaned back in the chair, petting Arc. And for something completely random, she asked. "How d'you know if you have a crush on someone?" it was nice having an older female friend to ask the silly questions to.
Ally: Ally's face turned as red as a Weasley's hair. Had she guessed that she had a crush on James? Well maybe if she didn't rant so much about him she wouldn't have caught on! Blinking like a deer in headlights she slowly decided to play it cool and smiled. "How?" Tapping her chin she closed her eyes and hmmmed. "Well. Your heart beats faster when you're around them. Sometimes you blush at things they say.. and once in a while your palms get clamy." Opening her eyes she put down her quil. "And.. you want to know more about them.. and be in the same room as them.. even if, well they might not even know you excist."
Katrina: She actually hadn't guessed - it was random thought-back to the question at lunch about Nigel. But since she was pretty sure she didn't have any of the symptoms, she was - so far - crush free. But at the same time, it was good to know, so she nodded. "Don't think I have one yet then," she admitted with a little grin. She supposed that was a good thing, though. "Why'd you blush?" she asked curiously, head tilting.
Ally: "Uuhh.." She was stuck. Was she going to lie about it or tell the truth? It would hurt to lie to one of her first friends, and a girl friend at that! Would it be fine to just.. tell her? She had trusted Ally with one of her own secrets, so it most likely would be just fine. Rubbing her arm softly she looked to the wall next to her then to the ceiling. With a soft sigh she spoke, "Well, I have a crush on someone."
Katrina: "Aw." Kat smiled. And then in complete and utter seriousness, asked. "Does it hurt?" Because it sounded like it did. When one thought of crushing, after all, there were images of ground stones and squashed aluminum cans.
Ally: With an equally serious look, she turned to her and nodded. Her expression could almost break anyones heart, it was the sadest smile one would ever see on her face. "Yeah. Yeah it does." She cast her eyes back up to the ceiling, "He really doesn't like me."
Katrina: "Guess that's why they call it a crush then.." Kat mused. "How d'you know he doesn't like you? Did he come out and say 'hey Ally I don't like you'?" Not that she was one to talk. She didn't know the first thing about boys. Not really. "I mean, maybe he does and he's just...obnoxious."
Ally: "Remember how I said James Potter was a git, jerk, and prat?" She kept her green eyes locked with a certain spot unmoving out of embrasment. Her cheeks were slowly growing brighter as she spoke, "There's a reason he is. He's annoying and egotistal, obnoxious is another brilliant word to describe that horrible little brat. But.." She heaved a heavy sigh. "I can't help but like him. Even if he's mean to me, calls me names, makes fun of the house I'm in. You just can not choose who you like."
Katrina: Kat's brow furrowed. "That seems kind of silly. Not that I doubt you," she assured her. "But it is a rather silly way to go about things. What if you don't like who you like?" Yeah. Figure that one out. "I mean..." she gestured. "You know. If they're a jerk, why would you like them?" A pause. "It'd be keen if we could choose though. I think if I'd want to have a crush on anyone, it'd be Nigel. But I already like him."
Ally: "See.. I think it's because I know deep down inside he has a very wonderful heart." She wondered if somehow she could make that sound more cheesier than it already did? Lifting her hand she put it over her eyes and laughed pretty hard. "I mean. I think when I first realized I liked him, I mean I didn't really know him. See, my owl was sick .. and I tried everything I could to make it better. Then one night when I went up to check on him.. he was dead." She ran her hand through her hair. "And suddenly there was this boy there. He told me everything was going to be okay, he helped me bury him and made me feel better. And that boy turned out to be James." She cast her eyes to Kat and shook her head. "I guess, I like that side of him.. and it's hard to let go. I keep telling myself he'll grow out of this side of himself. And then again I also try to not like him. Because you're right. It would be easier to pick and choose."
Katrina: She frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that your owl died." She'd never had an owl - obviously - but she knew she'd be sad when Muffin or Arc passed on. "And it's not so bad to hope," she pointed out. "I mean, maybe he'll...he'll grow out of it."
Ally: "I tell myself that everyday. And my mum says the same thing, she said my father was a git at that age. Most boys are." She smiles lopsidely, "You got lucky with Nigel. Some boys aren't so bad. He seems rather nice it's vvverrry rare."
Katrina: "Oh, Nigel is very nice. And very brave. He even tried to save me from a--" she cut herself off abruptly, her eyes widening. "Flobberworm," she saved lamely, glancing down at Arcana and playing with her fur. That really was probably a lame save. A bee would've been better. Oh well.
Ally: "....A flobberworm?" She looked at her with a cocked eyebrow confused.
Katrina: She blushed. "It was going to ... um. Get mucus all over me? And Nigel ... stepped in." But the shifting weight and downcast eyes were proof enough she was telling a tall tale.
Ally: Ally's expression changed to that of worry. "Kat.. are you sure it was a flobberworm?" She tilted her head a little trying to figure out what was going on. But it was clear from her expression she wasn't buying the story.
Katrina: She fidgeted. "If I tell, you promise you won't mention it, at all, ever, to anyone? No matter what?" She bit her lower lip, lifting her eyes to meet Ally's gaze.
Ally: Seeing that this was indeed another serious topic she held her pinky up and nodded. "I pinky swear, I rather stab myself with my wand than tell anyone what you're about to tell me." Ally wasn't messing around, secrets were important and you built trust and friendship on how well you kept those secrets.
Katrina: Kat hooked her pink with Ally's. "Last week," she whispered. "Nigel and I went into the Forbidden Forest. At night. We met a centaur there, and Nigel tried to save me from him, but he was okay, and a thestral - we're pretty sure it's a thestral, anyway - stole Nigel's wand, but I got it back with a summoning charm." It was, ironically enough, the first and only time she'd gotten the damn charm to work.
Ally: Her eyes were wide, was it from surpise or excitment? It wasn't clear right off the bat. She took a moment to say anything. "Blimey." It was as if a cat was let out of a bag then as a smile grew and almost took over all of Ally's face. "WOW! I've always wanted to go in there, but never had the gall by myself. You met a centaur? Really? Do they run in packs like Mum said? And no wonder it was invisible, only people who have seen death can see a Threstral." She was clearly impressed but kept her voice down so only Kat could hear.
Katrina: "I don't know about packs. The one we met was by himself." She decided not to mention the favor. She preferred to forget the fact she and Nigel owed a favor. "I don't know if we'd go in again," she admitted. "I mean, it was scary, and what if we met something mean or ... people-eating?" she grinned. "How come only people who've seen death..." she trailed off. "Seen it how? Like watched someone murdered or something?"
Ally: "Doesn't matter how you've seen death, just that you have." She straightend up and put her map away. "Mum says that even if you're at a sight of an accident, and you see said accident happen. You've seen a slight glimce of death, therefor you can see them. Anyone who's had contact with something so... deep and profound as death can-- so not many people have the ability to see one." Moving her bangs behind her ear as she so often did she slipped her journal out. "I see. I would be scared to go in.. but what a rush. Did you know unicorns live within the forest?"
Katrina: "That's what we were trying to go see," she admitted kind of sheepishly. "But I guess late at night when you've never been in the forest is ... not the best time to try for that." The bit about seeing death was interesting, but kind of morbid. She thought she'd like to see one, but at the same time...not for that price. "It was kind of exciting though," she giggled. "I laughed myself silly when I came back. Surprised I Didn't wake up half the commons."
Ally: "Oddly enough I thought I heard someone laughing but I was just to tired to come look." Smirking she flipped her book open and started to write something before speaking again. "I think that.. only a pure virgin girl can touch a unicorn. At least that's what the myths say, even mum wasn't very sure about that. Unicorns.. they're something that are hard to see and even harder to catch upclose. You'd sooner find a dark creature than one of those I'd think."
Katrina: "Well, I wouldn't have to worry about that bit, then," she pointed out with a silly grin. She didn't plan on being not-a-virgin for a few years at least. "Hagrid did say they were mysterious creatures, and he couldn't just bring one out. It'd be keen if he could though." A wistful sigh. "Maybe I'll see one before I graduate."
Ally: "There is a good chance you will if you go to the lake in the middle of the forest at the right time of day at the right time of the year." She had been writing down something her mother told her once before, it took her a few tries to remember exactly but she had finally jogged her memory. "I think my mum said the unicorn are only able to be seen easily during spring time around the time the sun is about to hit the southern horizon."
Katrina: "If I find the lake in the middle of the forest, I'll ... camp out there and wait," she teased with a grin. But springtime kind of made sense. In a way. Kat shifted Arc off her lap so she could think about considering pretending to contemplate pondering starting her homework.
Ally: "Girl I would be right there with you this time. I've wanted to see a real unicorn for ages and ages." She looked whistflying at her journal where she had also doodled a unicorn. "So, how did you meet Nigel?"
Katrina: "I was lost. In the hallway. And he'd lost his cat, and we kind of ran into each other. I found his cat, and he got me down to the Great Hall, and I could find my way back from there." she nodded.
Ally: "Prince charming to the rescue I see." She giggled a little and stretched, the chairs near the fire weren't taken and they were looking pretty comfortable. But seeing how Kat still had homework she wasn't going to bother her to go there. Suddenly she remembered something and russled in her bag. "Mum sent me some Acid pops, want one?"
Katrina: "Acid pops?" She quirked a brow. "Those sound dangerous." But she was willing to try anything once, so she looked curiously over to Ally.
Ally: "Oh they're brilliant, they fizz and pop in your mouth!" She handed one to Kat as she unwrapped hers and placed it in her mouth. She made a face and giggled when it fizzed, it tickled!
Katrina: She took the offered pop curiously. She licked it once, decided it was probably okay, and slipped it between her lips. Then giggled and took it out. It really did tickle! "Wizarding stuff is so neat," she admitted with a sigh.
Ally: "I also have some sugar quills if you want to try them?" She smiled as she sucked on her pop and reached in her bag. "The first time I tried a chocolate frog I freaked out so bad! My dad was trying to catch it and mum was laughing like a mad women!"
Katrina: "I saw the frogs, on the train," she said with a nod. "I don't think I could eat anything that moved." She giggled and shook her head. The candy was interesting though. "I probably shouldn't have anything with sugar. I want to sleep sometime tonight." A pause and a grin. "Tomorrow though."
Ally: "Of course." She stopped rommaging through her sack and sat back down eyeing the more comfortable place by the fireside. "Still.. I do miss muggle TV, have you ever seen Doctor Who?"
Katrina: Kat shook her head. "I haven't." She stretched and shifted and yawned, and closed her books. She wasn't sure she'd manage to get anything else done tonight. "I do miss TV though," she admitted quietly. "But I'll have lots to watch over the holidays. My da's recording my favorites."
Ally: "Yeah my mum got Tvio just for me. I can't possibly miss all the shows I loved so much." Yawning as well she looked at the time. "I think we should hit the hay, it's pretty late."
Katrina: Kat nodded her agreement, a little smile on her lips. So perhaps things hadn't been completely resolved, but she had Ally to help her figure life out. "All right. I'll see you tomorrow then," she murmured as she gathered up the books and papers that were hers.
Ally: "Tomorrow~" She smiled as she gathered her things and headed up to her own room.