No one likes when ooc drama effects ic stuff to the point that muns are having to pull away completely from ooc interaction because the ooc/ic line keeps being crossed. When it happens between one or two muses you shrug it off and figure it will work itself out. When it happens again and again to the point that people are ready to take their toys and move to a different sandbox then it becomes a community wide problem. So here is the situation we have in front of us.
Various muns have felt like the actions their muses have done in character have been used against them ooc. They have felt like they have had to explain repeatedly that what happens in character is in character and what happens ooc is ooc. They have felt tapped out and boxed into a corner by overly emo muses who start to sound the same based on who they are written by. It's become clear that some muns have gone out of their way to alienate their muses and ignored posts by their family members and then turned around ic and ooc to claim they are the ones who are being shut out by other writers. Again and again these things have happened and been brought up to the muns responsible and nothing changed. Now we've hit a place where some muns have decided they just can't write with other muns.
When the same thing keeps happening you have to take a step back and look at what is the same and what is different in the situations. When this was done it was made clear that the problems keep popping up ooc and ic by two muns. It's reached a place where it's time to part ways. Rather than have a bunch of writers pulling their muses from the comms and moving to another comm it's been decided that Netty and Kate will need to remove their muses from the comms. If the muses aren't voluntarily removed from the following communities the moderators will do so this weekend.
hpsixwordshp_randomgrownhp6wordshp_beyondprehpsixwords Out of respect, those of us who decided this needed to be done will be removing their muses from the ooc comm that Netty maintains,
hpdhpre6ws_ooc as well as from
hpdhsixwords and
hp_prompts and
grown_up_muses. If you do not agree with this and feel you can no longer play in the comms listed above we will understand when you remove your muses. The fact is a lot of us have simply reached a place where we can't write our characters ic without having ooc influences effecting us both ooc and ic. We are here to write. We want to get back to the way things were before the ooc drama erupted all over the place. This was not something decided by one or two muns. This was something that decided by the majority of the writers in this community. It was not a decision made lightly. It's really disappointing when passive aggressive behavior and the blurring of ic/ooc lines drives a wedge between the writers of a comm to where a split is needed, but sometimes you have to make the tough choices. So we have.
We're going to need Netty and Kate's muses removed by Saturday. If you wish to remove your muses because you don't agree with how this was handled we will understand. If you have an oc character who is related to the canon muses of HP fandom by all means keep them and play them elsewhere. I have no problem with Harry Potter's oc children continuing to be played. Feel free to bring in your own Harry Potter with them. Just as we will be continuing to keep our original characters that are based on canon characters too. We wish everyone to make the choices that is right for them so that writing can be enjoyable and not stressful. This is the choice that is right for us.
From this point on if you wish to join hpsixwords, hp_random, grownhp6words, prehpsixwords, or hp_beyond you will need to request to do so. You will also need to shoot an email, comment or aim ping to the mod in charge of that comm so we know who is writing the muse. If you wish to keep that muse a secret simply let the mun know and your wishes will be respected. There is a new ooc community that is also moderated to join. If your muse is a member of one of the four comms you will be granted entrance into that ooc comm.
You can find it at:
hpcomms_ooc I want to stress once more that if you are not one of the muns who requested this change and felt like the split was absolutely necessary there is no reason for you to have to pick a side. You are free to play with anyone and everyone. We really are sorry it's come down to this. Unfortunately sometimes things become too broken to repair. This is one of those things.