twirlabilityTITLE - None. :x
LENGTH - 498. :D I’m cutting it close.
It’s spring again, and Ginny Weasley is turning over a new leaf. Or, at least, that’s what Hermione calls it - Ron prefers ‘pre-midlife crisis’, but he’s guaranteed to be smacked in the head when he actually uses this term outside of his head.
She begins to do crazy things, like rearrange her furniture, and wander the streets at all hours of the night looking for a good Indian restaurant (for fuck’s sake, why is that so hard a thing to find?). Or, even scarier, write down lists of things to do in the name of self-improvement. To see a list of goals written down, neat and tidy, on a piece of parchment gives her chills - it’s too mild, too responsible, too Hermione - even if it would be a good idea to eat more apples, and try and control her temper. Strangest and most desperate of all, though, is that she stops Writing Harry. This has been a part of her life for so long that it deserves the capitals, she’s sure. It’s finally becoming clear, too, that he won’t write back. He’s too far away from her, so far off that even the strongest of owls can’t find him, or if they do, he doesn’t care to see any letters.
Deep down, she knows that it’s this epiphany that’s making her change - not a crisis of any sort. Ginny has always laughed at people who talked about ‘finding themselves’, but now she’s finding herself without Harry - a task that’s much harder than she ever would have expected.
It’s this new Change in her that keeps her from turning Draco Malfoy away when he shows up at her door - soaked to the skin and scowling fit to curdle milk (not that there’s any milk to be curdled, it’s shopping day). She sees him, standing there on her porch, and recognizes an opportunity to (1) be the bigger person and, (2) control her temper. This is a test to see if all of her hard work has paid off; a challenge, sent by the universe, to test Ginny Weasley’s mettle.
“It’s raining,” he says in a sour voice, as though she can’t see the lake forming in the street behind him. “let me in this second, Weasley, I’m not going to wait out her for a moment more.”
Ginny looks at him for a long moment, taking in the ragged edges and new, weary lines. There was a time when his arrogance would have set her teeth on edge and filled her with a white-hot, boiling anger. There was a time when he had more power over her than anyone - the power to make her forget herself, and lash out with abandon. That time is long past, though, and now all she can see is lost money and deflated ego. It would have been funny to her when she was younger, but not anymore. She’s moved past that.
“Get inside, Ferret.” she says, coolly, and steps aside for him.