Title: Delusions
acidpop25Rating: R
Prompt: 17, Sick
Date: 07/01/06
Pairing(s): none; Luna gen
Warning: rather twisted and very confusing
Summary: "You've been diagnosed with acute schizophrenia."
It dribbles down my throat, bitter blue, and Lucius leaves me to cold grey stone and damp and chains and everything, everything is spinning and spinning and, and, and...
"I think she's waking up."
So, so white when I open my eyes; they lean over me.
"Lauren? Lauren, you awake?" Daddy's voice, that's his voice, but...
"Name's Luna." Sleep-slow voice.
A sound like a sob. "I... I thought..."
"Yes, sweetie, yes."
"But you're.. you're dead, mother." Am I dreaming? Can't move... can't... move... why can't I move?
"No, sweetie," mother says. "Lauren, honey, you're... sick. You've been very sick, but Dr. Armstrong has worked so hard to help you..."
"You've been diagnosed with acute schizophrenia, Lauren," The doctor has a voice like Lucius. "but I have every confidence that-"
"Shut up!" They called me Loony Luna, they did, they did, Loony Loony Luna Lovegood, they called me crazy... "Let me go, let me go, let me go, I'm not crazy, I'm not!"
"Having fun, Miss Lovegood?"
The doctor? No, no. Blonde.
"Well," he drawls with a chuckle, "we'll just have to fix that, won't we?" There is a pull, and pulling, and pulling at my arms and legs and stone scraping across my skin or my skin across stone and tighter, tighter the chains and pulling...
"You must understand, it will take her a long time to recover; her delusions are very elaborate and very advanced. This is a step in the right direction, but it's a long, hard road to recovery."
"I just want my little girl back...."
"Where... am I?"
"St. John's Centre for Mental Conditions," I hear his footsteps click across the floor. "Back with us, Lauren?"
"Not St. Mungos?"
"No, Lauren, not St. Mungo's. St. Mungo's doesn't exist."
"There is no such thing as magic, Lauren."
"I'm not crazy, Lucius!"
"No? They call you Loony, don't they?"
"You're sick."
"Lauren, calm down. You're sick, but we're going to help you get better."
"I don't want your help! Let me go!"
"Out of the question, Miss Loony."
"I'm not crazy!"
"Of course you're not."