Title: Five Times Severus Snape Was Misunderstood
literaryspell (pinch-hitter)
wotcher_wombat Beta: Robin
Word count: ~2700
Rated: PG-13
Summary: Severus Snape reflects on the people in his life who affected him by not knowing who he truly was, including the person who let him down the most. Himself.
Five Times Severus Snape Was Misunderstood )
Comments 4
And yes, Snape fed the animosity between Sirius and him, but - only Sirius tried to kill the other. Another good point.
And owwie, the fact that Lily couldn't forgive Snape something he said when he was down (or up in the air, if we're being literal) in spite of years of friendship, when she forgave Potter years of hazing. Simply unbelievable!
I agree about Lily. She is painted as a forgiving person, but Snape needed it so much more than James Potter did.
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
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