Title: Five Times Fleur Knew She Was In Love
seatigers (pinch-hitter)
ellielove_x3Word count: ~1300
Rated: G
Pairing: Bill/Fleur
Summary: Moments in which Fleur comes to terms with her feelings for Bill and her family.
Five Times Fleur Knew She Was In Love
Fleur sat at the small reception desk that Bill Weasley had shown her to just a few hours previously. Surrounded by other busy workers with piles and piles of paperwork, Fleur preferred to practice her English on her co-worker rather than her impatient clients.
“Eet is so nice to be meeting with another Weasley, I know your leetle brother, of course, Ronald.”
“Yeah he may have mentioned you - once or twice.”
The sarcasm was lost upon her as she asked rather astounded, “only once or twice? I ‘ope you do not theenk that I am as... how do you say, forgettable.”
Bill chuckled softly, to himself rather than anyone else, and shook his head gently to answer her. “No, forgettable would not be the word that I would use.”
“Ah oui? Well, what would it be?”
Bill paused before he dared to answer.
“I find you, how do you say, charmante.”
His eyes gleamed as Fleur smiled widely at him.
“Monsieur, you make me blush!”
The telephone rang, and Bill answered. As he sat there, speaking confidently and almost violently to the person at the end of the line, Fleur took time to examine his face - the deep, piercing eyes; the soft lashes; the rugged jawline and defined cheekbones. “Il est trop beau,” she thought to herself. She gazed at him, all the while realizing that she had never really been in this situation before - she had never really met anyone that she had been attracted to more than herself. The Narcissus within her was vanquished, seemingly within minutes. This Bill was some kind of miracle worker, were things supposed to happen so quickly? She couldn’t help but wonder.
Love. L’amour.
Was this the beginning?
All she could do was scream, screech, writhe and suffer.
“Bill, my Bill!”
She hadn’t seen much, but she had seen enough. The pounce, the scrapping, the teeth and claws - and then the blood. Her heart, her stomach and all other internal organs sank. She felt sick, she felt dizzy, she felt as if the one thing on earth she should do was to kill Fenrir Greyback.
“You monster!” she screamed, running through an array of fired hexes and curses to attack.
Various squeals of “Fleur, no!” and “Stop!” did not stop her, but her friends’ hands and tugs did - she was hurting too much to fight against others’ physical strength.
“But.. but.. my Bill!” was all she could say. A crowd had gathered around her, and if she could have seen through the figures she would have seen that a crowd had gathered around her fiancé also.
“He can’t die. He can’t get hurt. He is mine, he is my Bill.”
She didn’t quite know where she was. By the sound coming from outside the battle was not over yet, but she was not in the Astronomy Tower any more. God knows where Bill is, she thought. She seemed to be in some kind of cupboard or small room, with no idea who had brought her there. All she could do was sit and think -think about how much Bill meant to her and refusing to think about how she would live without him. A small scuffling outside the wooden door alerted her.
“Is she in there?” a voice asked. She recognized the voice as Lupin’s and she heard Tonks answer him - “yes; it seemed like she needed to just be alone somewhere”.
“He’s dead,” Lupin told her.
A flash of indescribable pain tore through Fleur’s stomach and she lurched the door open screaming.
“NO! NO! Bill, my Bill!”
“Fleur, Fleur!” Lupin spoke firmly. “It’s not Bill,” he paused and looked over to Tonks, “it’s Dumbledore.”
Fleur burst into tears, heaving tears and wails.
“I can’t believe it,” Tonks whispered, tears dropping from her eyes. “Fleur, are you okay?”
Fleur nodded but couldn’t stop crying - not from the grief, but from the guilt. The guilt that truthfully, she was happy - happy that Dumbledore, great man that he was, was dead - if that mean that her Bill was alive.
Glimmers of light flickered over Fleur’s eyelids and distracted her from her sleep. A couple of heavy blinks alerted her to the fact that it was morning, and reality slowly sunk in. The birds were singing outside, and underneath the bedroom she heard the muffled sounds that told her that Molly Weasley was already up and working.
She lay in bed for a while and looked out the window to her right. The early morning sun was shining brightly and its light was reflected in Fleur’s eyes. She sat up and stretched heartily, yawning to wake herself up properly. My, my, my, she thought to herself. It is finally here.
A smile crept over her lips and stayed there the entire day. She walked to the foot of the bed and twirled around the high foot post gleefully. A photograph stood on top of the bedside table showing herself and Bill. She giggled to herself as she saw Bill whispering something tenderly into her ear. She loved the fact that only she would ever know what he had said to her.
Fleur caught the trail of a familiar voice downstairs. It was Bill, and her heart skipped a beat. Excited to see her lover on their wedding day, she quietly crept onto the corridor and near the staircase to hear his voice better. She didn’t care for tradition, but Molly would have riled at her if she let Bill see her before the actual wedding.
Treading carefully to avoid the particularly squeaky floorboards, Fleur reached the top stair but sighed as she realised their conversation was coming to an end. Say something, she wished.
“I love her, Mum. She’s the one.”
“I know, dear.”
Fleur had to fight the irresistible urge to cry I love you, too. She felt it with all of her heart. She had never been so in love with him as she was in that moment.
“Shell Cottage? It sounds a little rustic, my love.”
That was Fleur’s initial reaction when it was first revealed to her where it was her and Bill would live in marital bliss. How right, yet how wrong she was. The cottage was indeed what many would call rustic, but Fleur had meant it to mean something derogatory. However, here she stood - with Bill by her side - in front of the cottage that was to be her home, with tears in her eyes.
It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen, the landscape of sand and sea made the perfect backdrop to the quaint and perfectly formed house.
“This is our home,” she whispered.
“Don’t you like it?” Bill asked.
“Oh Bill,” she sobbed. “I’ve never seen anything like it, it is our home!”
“So you do like it?” he repeated, with a goofy grin over his face.
“I love it, I love it, I love it!”
Bill couldn’t stop her, and didn’t want to, from running like a child up to the house, the house that would give them so many happy years.
“Maman, maman!” a cluster of young voices called her out of her reading reverie.
“What is it my dears?” Fleur asked, placing her book down on the armchair.
“Look what we made, look! Come outside!”
Fleur followed her children outside to the garden, past the gate and down to the beach where she could already see her husband waiting.
Her children were running and she was running with them.
“Look, maman! A sandcastle! We made it for you!”
“Oh, my sweets, it’s beautiful - c’est magnifique!”
The children ran up to their father who greeted them with hugs and kisses and an “I told you she’d love it, kids”.
Fleur laughed and ran up to her family whom she was completely, utterly and forever in love with.
This is the mod account for this community, not the author's account. Please let it be noted that I do not take credit for
this person's work. A big thanks to the person that wrote this fic as they did it in place of an author that dropped out.