Happy Friday everyone! We've got over 500 members :O
For this week, choose a character. It doesn't have to be your favorite or least favorite, just whoever pops into your head :D
1. What are your three favorite moments for that character?
2. What’s your least favorite moment?
3. What’s your favorite quote by that character?
4. What is one
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1. What are your three favorite moments for that character?
- The scene in the Shrieking Shack in Prisoner of Azkaban.
- His being (deservedly) dressed down by Molly in Order of the Phoenix.
- His appalling behavior in Snape's worst memory; it doesn't endear me to him, but it is very much the actions a younger version of the character we've come to know.
2. What’s your least favorite moment?That's a rough one, but I might have to go with the actions that cause Molly to have to reprimand him. I feel sorry for him, but he is being very selfish and taking advantage of Harry's angst.
3. What’s your favorite quote by that character?
"Brilliant, Snape - once again you've put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion... now why don't you go play with your chemistry set!?!" I know it's not in the book, but...
4. What is one thing you hope happens with your character in Book 7?That he ( ... )
First Year Snape probably did actually bring one with him. :D
1. What are your three favorite moments for that character? When she seemed to think that it was not the time for lemon drops in PS/SS, when she told Peeves to unscrew the chandelier the other way in OotP, and when she tried to defend Hagrid in HBP.
2. What’s your least favorite moment? Her whole reaction to Dumbledore's death. I would have expected a lot more emotion, given her previous record, what with 'clutching her chest and taking in great gasps of air' in CoS and etc.
3. What’s your favorite quote by that character? "Don't be ridiculous, have a biscuit." Or something to that effect. FTW.
4. What is one thing you hope happens with your character in Book 7? She gets the opportunity to kick more butt.
5. What is one thing that absolutely can’t happen to your character in the final book, APART FROM DEATH? It turns out that she's sekritly married to Scrimgeour or something, haha, I dunno. This is related to question four: I'd like to find out if she's married, and if so, to whom.
But the situations are completely different. By the time of Dumbledore's death, it is clear even to Cornelius Fudge that there is a war going on; I think that McGonagall had come to terms with the fact that Dumbledore might die - or any of the Order, for that matter - long ago.
1. What are your three favorite moments for that character? When he first won the Quidditch Cup (though, technically, it was the only Quidditch Final he'd played in), and realised he was so happy he could have produced the best Patronus in the world; when he became friends with Ron and even Hermione, realising that there were people who really did like him, despite what the Dursleys said; and when, for that one hour, at the end of PoA, he thought that he would get to live with his new-found godfather Sirius, and how happy he was at the idea of leaving the Dursleys forever.
2. What’s your least favorite moment? Watching his heart tear to pieces in 'The Lost Prophesy' chapter after having lost Sirius. That really gets me choked up, I felt so terrible for him.
3. What’s your favorite quote by that character? LMAO, really? The boy's so witty that it's difficult to choose, and most might go for that 'There's no need ( ... )
1. Lemon drops, raspberry jam, and knitting patterns ftw!
2. Owning all the Ministry people in his office.
3. The way he behaves on the tower at the end of HBP. "These are manners."
2. What’s your least favorite moment? That he never realized throughout the whole 4th year that Moody was fake.
3. What’s your favorite quote by that character? From OotP.
"Well - it's just that you seem to be laboring under the delusion that I am going to - what is the phrase - 'Come quietly.' I am afraid I am not going to come quietly at all, Cornelius. I have absolutely no intention of being sent to Azkaban. I could break out, of course - but what a waste of time, and frankly, I can think of a whole host of things I would rather be doing."
4. What is one thing you hope happens with your character in Book 7? He left something incredibly cool for Harry.
5. What is one thing that absolutely can’t happen to your character in the final book, APART FROM DEATH? Um, it can't ( ... )
2. What’s your least favorite moment? There really aren't enough Bellatrix bits of the book to have a least favorite x). OH, maybe that's it...?
3. What’s your favorite quote by that character? "The Dark Lord has, in the past, entrusted me with his most precious--if Lucius hadn't--" Whenever JKR has a character NOT finish something that sounds important you just know that it will be very important later!
4. What is one thing you hope happens with your character in Book 7? I. NEED. MORE. CANON. INFO. Basically, Bellatrix must have a bigger role in this book. And we need to see her and her husband's place. And we aljdfkd just need more Bellatrix Lestrange, thanks.
5. What is one thing that absolutely can’t happen to your character in the final book, ( ... )
Please JKR, show Bellatrix with her husband. I would love to see them interact with each other!
HELL YES!!! I want to see that so. Friggin'. Badly.
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