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Tag archive of past fics "Founders" Challenge
We had one lovely fic submitted for this challenge:
The point standings for this challenge are as follows:
Ravenclaw: 10
The overall point standings can be seen in our userinfo.
hp_gen_ch's February Challenge is After the End!
Since today we learned the release date for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final book in the series, the challenge for this month is about endings. Your task is to write a genfic set at any point after the end of Book 7, however you might envision that end. You can set it one minute after the story ends, or a year, or several years, or even several decades. Because the end of a series is not the end of all things.
Your 1000+ word, beta-read fics are due by midnight Pacific time on the 28th of February. Detailed posting format rules are available
here or the community userinfo, and beta reading services may be found
here. Please direct all questions to the Keeper of the Answers,
imadra_blue (see her
Q & A post). Have a wonderful February and good luck!
The Abbess of Pain