1.What Time is it now? 10:38 PM
2.What is your full name? Courtney Nicole Baga
4.what does your name mean? "Lands owned by the courts" it sucks butt
5.Who picked your name? my mom
6.What's your nickname? Courts or Court or Baga
7.How old are you? 15
8.What color are your eyes? blue when I'm happy, which is usually
9.Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie-outie
10.What size are your shoes? 6-7
11.How tall (or short)? 5'4.5"
12.Honestly what do you like about yourself? Not all that much... ah... my littleness
13.What do you always get complimented on? uh... *blink* *questioning look*
14.Phone Number? 218-724-2019 call me sometime I love you!
15.Hair color? brownish-blondish-reddish, more reddish now 'cause I dyed it in June
16.Do you wear contacts? nO
17.Living Arrangements? In a house
18.Favorite Drink? Orange juice, my newfound obsession
19.Favorite alcholic Drink? ah... I don't exactly drink, so I'll just say spiked coffee, because that's the main thing I've had, ha
20.Favorite month? July or August
21. Favorite Food? Anything edible besides Squash, mushrooms, or sushi
22.Favorite Board Game? Monopoly
23.favorite Web Site? ehljay or phoenixsong
24.Favorite Animal? Ccino dear
25.Do you have more girl or boy friends? dead even, I think guys might squish into the lead, but it's damn close
26.Who's your best friend(s)? Don't have any
27.Are your parents together? yes
28.How often do you get together with the family? um... the whole immidiate family is only together on Christmas, the entier entier family has NEVER been in once place at once
29.Do you tell your parents or friends about stuff? stuff, duh. Stuff is rather vague, doncha think?
30.Anything special about your parents? My Deddy is awesome, my mom is a total bitch
31.Siblings and their ages? Chris - 21 going on three Jen - 19 Danny - 12 Kiri - 10
32.You're a flirt? Very much so
33.You're slutty? not really, no
34.Your anorexic? blegh I coudl NEVER be anorexic
35.You like someone? yes
36.You can keep secrets? absolutly
37.You dance in front of the mirror? Not usually
39.You sing in the shower? I do not sing. I hate singing.
40.You like Britney Spears? No
41.Do You Like Your Cousins? They're pretty cool, then again, I've only seen them twice since I was 3, so...
42.You've been in the opposite sexes bedroom? 'course
43.You've seriously hurt someone? Not really. maybe like... temporary pain, but nothing HUGE, and nothign lasting
44.You've been hurt seriously? sure
45.You swear? not terribly much, but definatly, yeah
46.You get your way? I try
47.You're willing to try new things? I'll try anything once
48.You've cheated on a test? Stealing Maria's "who hasn't?"
49.You've smoked? Blegh! NO! I'm allergic. That's icky. Smoking is icky. Don't smoke.
50.What are you wearing? red pj pants and a UMD hockey sweatshirt belonging to one of my little brothers' friends
51. What color are your pants? *points up*
52.What are you listening to? random mixes
53.how are you feeling? tired, bored,
54.What are you doing? this
55.What are you eating? nothing
56.How many people are online? 17
57.How's the weather? 40/50's and windy
58.What's on your mouse pad? Ryan Bradly and the Summer Skate 2004 logo
59.What books are you reading? ah... none at the moment
60.How many lip glosses do you have? several, including hot Japenese hundred-yen-store lipgloss. wicked awesome shit.
61.What perfume do you use? whatever I feel like using. I usually mix random stuff
62.What's in your purse? nothing at the moment.
63. Thong or regular knickers? either or
64.Tall or short boys? whatever the hight of the one I like is. At the moment we're talking short, VERY VERY short
65.Blonde or brunette guys? Whatever is the one I like, at the moment, dark brown
66.Good or bad boy? *blink* see above
67.Boxers showing? I honestly DO NOT CARE
68.Long hair or short hair on boys? not like, girly-long, but longish generally looks better in my opinion
69.What do you find annoying in a guy? Strutting
70.What's the first thing you notice about guys? Overall, their happiness aura-like thing, does being around them have an air of happiness and humor, or darkness. Physically, hair/eyes
71.Do you have any piercings? Just one in each ear
72.What kind of cologne do you use?
73.What's in your pockets?
74.Blonde or brunette girls?
75.Tall or short girls?
76.Piercings on girls?
77.Long or short hair on girls?
78.Good or bad girl?
79.What do you find annoying in girls?
80.What's the first thing you notice about girls?
81.What was the last movie you saw? Willy Wonka
82.What did u eat for dinner? Chicken
83.What are you hoping for? Comfort in my sleep tonight and a non-sore neck tomorrow
84.Have you ever fallen asleep in school? yes
85.What movie do you really want to see? Not really anything at the moment
86.What is your locker combo? I dunno yet, I don't have it memorized
87.Where is your favorite place to travel? I want to go to greece, just because
88.What did you last dream about? No sure
89.What was the last thing you ate? Oreos
90.If you were a crayon what colour would you be? Ah... Ceurlean blue
91.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Carolyn
92.Last movie you watched? That was question 81
93.Ever had a crush on a teacher? ick no
94. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Depends. I wouldn't unless I was sure I liked them, but I wouldn't like a guy who was too wimpy to ask me out first. For that matter, why bother asking at all, just kiss them if there's ensured mutual attraction.
95.Scary movies or happy endings? Both are okay
96.Summer or winter? Summer!
97.Relationships or one night stands? Relationships
98.Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
99.Do you want your friends to write back? No, so I don't have to bother reading everyhting I already know about them
100.Who is most likely to respond? Nobody will
101.Who is least likely to respond? Maria, as she already did it
102.What did you do last night? Hung out with Brandon, then went home to sleep
103.Anything else u want to add? I hate netspeak. If you're going to make a survey, at least make it in proper English.
104.What time is it now? 10:57 PM
105.What Is Ur Fav sports team? Ah... none
106.Who is the sexiest person u know? Hmm... tough one... Wow I honestly have no clue.