... and last month I picked up a crochet hook for the first time. After a couple of not so pretty Harry and Luna squares, I watched Lee's tutorial videos and took a shot on Sirius Black, and I love it!
A bit dark because why used the flash? >.>
I'm actually making it for my niece (this is my mantra as I crochet: "Is not for you so don't even think of stealing from a 11 year old...") and wants the thing done by November, just in time for when part 1 of DH comes out. Ah, youth. Everything seems so easy for them. I keep telling her that maybe it'll be done by the time part 2 comes out, but she thinks I'm joking.
I made the pattern using a computer software, then I modified it to have a bit more shadow on his lovely face. If you are interested in given Mr. Black a go, let me know and I'll happily share the pattern with you. =)
I was going to start Ron next, but decided to go for Mr. Lupin. =)