Calendar | Rules | Sign Up

Dec 25, 2006 23:59


November 15 - Sign ups begin
November 24 - Deadline of signing up
November 24-26 - Assignments are handed out
November 26 - Community is open to posting
December 2 - Deadline for Week 1
December 2 - Start of second week
December 9 - Deadline for Week 2
December 9 - Start of third week
December 16 - Deadline for Week 3
December 16 - Start of last week
December 23 - Deadline for Week 4
December 25 - Secret Santas are revealed


  1. Keep it secret. Please, for the fun of it, DO NOT tell anyone who you are, OR who you are writing/drawing for. Half the fun's finding out who's been leaving you the drabbles and/or art, and finding out who you've been leaving art and/or drabbles for. Keep your pseudonym to yourself, and please try not to create one that's too obviously you. :D

  2. Post via the anon journal. It's the only other journal granted posting access besides the one the mod's going to use. Once you've signed up and I've fixed assignments and stuff, I'll email you with the password, which you must, of course, keep to yourself. Log onto it to post, so your identity is kept a secret. You are allowed to watch the community via your own personal journal.

  3. Please post by Saturday, 12 noon GMT. You can post anytime of the week, but please try to post by this time. That way, we can clearly delineate time and week. Please try to see when this time is in your timezone, but roughly, 12 noon GMT is 8am New York, 10pm Australia time. This way, most all the timezones are covered, and everyone gets their holiday drabble/drawble by Christmas on the 25th. There will be a post immediately after the deadline announcing the theme for the next week, just as a reminder.

  4. Please follow the posting format. Just type up the header provided below, and then put the drabble/drawble under an LJ cut. To find out how to do one, please go here. In the subject line, please indicate whether it is [DRABBLE] or [DRAWBLE] or [whatever it is], Character/Character, Rating. In the body of the post, please put:


    (Insert LJ cut here.)

  5. Stick to the theme. Please? For the fun of it, at least. I'm posting the week themes as soon as the community opens up, and for now I'm taking suggestions. At least you'll be able to think ahead instead of having to cram everything in a week's time. The last week has no theme--this is when you can go all out if you wish.

  6. Keep it to R. It isn't a lot to ask for, and it's mostly for practical convenience if we decide not to include NC-17 in the rating, really. We'd rather not have to worry about age, and it would be better if everyone can enjoy the stuff that's to come of this.

  7. Sign up only if you can commit to this. We're going to ask you to hand in a drabble or drawble or anything you can come up with once every week for four weeks. It isn't a lot to ask, as they're going to be short anyway, but if you foresee time constraints and other such things then please don't sign up, as it would be terribly unfair if someone is able to do something for someone and then not get anything in return.

  8. Anything goes. It says drabbles and/or drawbles, but in truth, you can make anything you want for whoever you get, so long as it sticks to her preferences in ship and/or character. Your drabbles can be fics, the drawbles can be art, etcetera. If you feel like writing an epic poem, go ahead. A couple stanzas of limericks is good, also. You aren't limited to one per week, either. You can make as many as you want. Being creative's not a crime, and neither is being generous. :D

  9. Have fun. Don't lose yourself in the idea that you're catching a deadline and must post, post, POST. (Well you have to, actually, but don't lose yourself in that idea. There's a difference. XD) Remember that this is because Christmas is the season of giving, and whatever you do is for someone somewhere out there, alright? It's all in the spirit of the season.

    Sign Up:


    Please fill up this form and post the comment here. Everything's screened. :)

    PSEUDONYM: (ie, the name you wish to be known as in the community)

    For preferred genre or preferences, indicate things you generally like reading about in fics or seeing in art. These will help whoever writes/draws for you if they need some sort of prompt. List down all the things you will appreciate, but don't expect them all to appear. :P

    In the bit about ships you're willing to draw, please indicate if you're more comfortable with het, slash, femmeslash, or any, and also, which characters you can write. I for one know I'm likely to be able to write Hogwarts-age characters more than Marauder-era or Founder-era characters.

    For the last bit, please indicate the things you feel you absolutely will not be able to do at all. Any squicks in ship, theme, and/or genre go here.
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