Better late than never? I don't know if you received your week three(see Dec.26th) or are even still looking for it but I felt compelled to finish.... Happy New Year!
The End by Twirly_Girl (aka
word count:295
Rating/Warnings: G, but not Holiday-ish instead is dark and angsty.
The End
Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville and Ginny raced down the hall towards the plain black door. The five of them stood breathless for a moment, each reliving the last time they stood on this threshold...but that time Harry was their leader, not the person they were rescuing. Neville exhaled loudly, “Steady on,” he said and he led the way into the large, circular room.
“Bloody hell,” muttered Ron as the room began to spin, “Not this again.”
“I know where they’ve gone,” said Hermione grimly. “The Veil Room,” she announced clearly, seemingly more for the room’s benefit than Ron’s since the room stopped spinning the instant she issued the command.
A door flew open to reveal the large, rectangular amphitheater, at the center of which stood an ancient, crumbling stone archway. They stepped into the room and their eyes took in a strange tableau; on the stone dais, in front of the arch, stood Harry, Voldemort and Nagini, all frozen for a moment, staring at them.
Harry smiled at them briefly, as if he had been waiting for their arrival and was greeting them to the party, then he tossed his wand to the side and, bending from the waist, began to charge at Voldemort like an enraged bull. Voldemort stood stock still, as if immobilized, while Nagini circled around his feet. As Harry’s head struck Voldemort’s middle, Voldemort doubled over and a small, ineffectual sound escaped his inhuman lips. As Harry grasped him around the waist and continued his charge, they both shot forward towards the veil. At the last moment, with reflexes honed from countless hours of snitch catching, Harry’s hand shot out and grabbed Nagini around the neck and, still clutching Voldemort’s waist, the threesome fell through the veil and disappeared.