Title: In This Corner Author: Ruby Jean For: Miss L. Towe Rating: PG Pairing: Ron/Hermione Word Count: 300 Note: Set during the first Christmas after the series ends.
Oh, what adorable R/Hr-ness! Thank you so much. The awkward moment under the mistletoe was too cute and the idea of Ron trying to bake cookies and having such trouble just made me smile.
Thank you again and extra thanks for pitch-hitting as you are doing.
No trouble, honey. I really enjoyed writing an old pairing of mine. I thought about doing an Arthur/Molly, but it went all dark and not happy so I scraped it. The awkward moment was inspired by their inability to communicate. *grins* Them? Never. And Ron baking would be interesting to say the least. I don't think he took after Molly in that. He doesn't have a lot of patience. *laugh*
I'm glad you enjoyed them, and I hope your holiday went well.
Comments 2
Thank you again and extra thanks for pitch-hitting as you are doing.
~Miss L. Towe
I'm glad you enjoyed them, and I hope your holiday went well.
- RJ
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