Title: Blue Christmas
For: Babbling Brook
Ship: Sirius/Lily
Prompt: White Christmas
Word Count: 192
Author's notes: I might be able to crank anopther drabble out this week but I'm not sure if time will allow :)
Soft music played over the radio as she struggled to put up the lights across the room. “Lily, you’re a witch. You do know that you can use magic to put those up.”
Sirius was leaning against the doorframe and watching Lily balance on a rickety chair in the centre of the room. “And are you sure you should be standing on that chair? It doesn’t look safe.”
Lily finished attaching the string of lights across the ceiling and looked down at him. “This is the way I’ve always done it. Every first of December me and mum would decorate our house for Christmas.”
She clambered down from the chair and wandered over to the window. She leant on the widow sill and gazed out. “You shouldn’t be here. We need to stop this - you’re his best friend.”
Sirius padded up behind her and slid his arms round her waist, resting his chin on her the top of her head. “I know. Just one more Christmas and we’ll stop.” Lily relaxed back into him and watched the snowflakes, which had started falling. She turned her face up to kiss him. “I’m sorry.”