Oh, I LOVE these! My computer is no longer communicating with my machine, so I can't machine embroider until that's fixed. Hmmmm.....just when I finally find a little time to quilt. I guess I could make Block 22 (and the Monster Book) while I work on it. Thanks so much! Enjoy those visitors....can't wait to hear how great it goes.
Yay! I'm glad you love them! So sorry to hear about your machine...silly thing needs to cooperate with you, but I do understand technology communication issues. I've been having some of my own lately...
Well, my computer was suddenly unable to find its hard drive. So I took it to the hospital. It was a virus. They cleaned up everything, and when I plugged the reader/writer in, it doesn't recognize it. Keeps saying it's not connected. I haven't had the time and patience to make that frustrating call to Husqvarna Viking yet. Soon, though. I am going to try to meet one of our regulars in a few weeks, I just have to make that frustrating call to finalize our plans before I ask her! So exciting!
Yay! Gonna go work on it right now. No! You must get ready for work! But... must... piece... blocks. Darn. Dryer just buzzed. Guess I'll be emptying that first.
Oh, wow! How perfect to have these two at once. It totally would have driven me mad to try to figure out what that bit of hat sticking out would have been!
Comments 26
Thanks so much!
Enjoy those visitors....can't wait to hear how great it goes.
Can't wait for my visitors!
Meeting a regular? Oh, I am intrigued!
Enjoy your time together! :)
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