Complete Your Quilt Top Challenge!

Jul 06, 2010 09:25

Welcome to voting for hp_paperpiecing's first ever Complete Your Quilt Top Challenge! This is the longest and biggest challenge we've ever had, and definitely the most rewarding.

To all the challengers: thank you! I know how much work you all put into getting your quilt tops completed. The best part of this challenge is not the prize, though that is amazing and awesome and hermione_jean of Rock Creek Quilts (and our official HP quilter!) deserves a thousand butterbeers for so generously donating her time. The best part of this challenge is how many people have been brought together and become friends through quilting Harry Potter. You are all amazing and I feel insanely lucky to have gotten to be a part of this.

Good luck challengers, and remember: even if you don't win, you still finished your quilt top...that's an awesome prize in itself!

I encourage you all to click on the thumbnail of each quilt and enjoying the full-sized image before deciding which to vote on. Remember, the prize for winning this challenge is professional quilting of the winning top from Rock Creek Quilts!! (See, I said she needs a load of butterbeers!).

To keep this as fair as possible, only members of hp_paperpiecing can vote. Voting will end Tuesday July 13. EDIT: New memberships are on hold until voting is over.

01. laci_l

02. Gloria H.

03. katyscorner

04. mkissa

05. daisyfred

06. astrid82

07. hpfan_poa


Good luck!

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